CS365: Artificial Intelligence

Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Kanpur

Jan - Apr 2014

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Homework 1 - Warm up

1. Cartoon

Draw a cartoon on paper, on a theme related to AI (single frame or multi-frame strip). Scan it - make sure the blacks are in high contrast to the whites - and upload it to your web area (below).

2. Task Identification

Indicate whether each of the following tasks are
  • Deterministic vs. stochastic.
  • Episodic vs. sequential.
  • Static vs. dynamic.
  • Discrete vs. continuous.
  • Fully observable vs. partially observable.
  • Single agent vs. multiagent.
Make a table for each of the following tasks
  • Playing soccer.
  • Brushing your teeth.
  • Playing a tennis match.
  • Practicing tennis against a wall.
  • Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch.
Give reasons for your labels for one of these tasks.


Submit both parts as an HTML file in your web area so that they can be accessed using the following URL:
where YOUR_USER_ID is your iitk user id.

Due date: Jan 18, Saturday midnight.