[6] - Paper by Kolekar et. al(references in report.pdf) *****************************************************Files**************************************************************/ --ai.sql -database of all results obtained by us. ************************************************************************************************************************ **Disclaimer** - All the code has been written by us(even for [6]), *except* requirements in Level-1. Level-1 Audio analysis: - run ste_zcr.m - input -> an audio or video file(pass input in first line of this file). - output -> All excitation frames. - requirements -> energy.m, sgn.m, winconv.m, zerocross.m Level-2 : Replay detection - run replays.m - input -> a video(preferably .mp4, otherwise may throw error for plugins for .avi, .mkv). - output -> 'images' folder containing all frames of the video, named img%d.jpg. - requirements -> no other files, match video. - Approach by [6] - run histo_p.m - input -> 'images' folder <- created above, 'replay.jpg' <- reference replay frame. check frames range in histo_p.m, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> All matched frames corresponding to replay. - Our Approach 1. Replay frames using correlation coefficient. - run replay_detection.m - input -> 'images' folder <- created above, 'replay.jpg' <- reference replay frame. check frames range all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> All matched frames corresponding to replays. - run scorebar_p.m - input -> 'images' folder <- created above, 'scorebar.jpg'(im1 in line 3) <- reference scorebar, 'any other image for frame size'(im2 in line 4). check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'output2.csv', contains [img name, HHD(difference), yes/no], yes if it doesn't have scorebar. Level-3 : Field view detection - Approach by [6] - dgpr_p.m - input -> 'images' folder <- created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'output.csv', contains [img name, DGPR value, yes/no], yes if belongs to field view. - Our approach - fieldview_svm.m - the test set and training set are in array [x, y, k], where x is start frame, y is end frame, and k is the class. Thus if [3204, 6789, 1] is in any set, this means frames from 3204 to 6789 belong to class 1. - input -> 'images' folder <- training set and test set, created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'fieldview_svm.csv', contains [img name, class by svm, class manual], yes if belongs to field view. - if class manual is 'manual', -> this is a training frame. Level-4a : Field View Classification -Approach by [6] - fieldview.m - input -> 'images' folder <- created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'fieldview_kolekar.csv', contains [img,FP,FP11,FP12,FP2,class by matlab,class by matlab]. yes class by matlab is printed twice(for mysql table). - Our approach - pitch_svm.m - the test set and training set are in array [x, y, k], where x is start frame, y is end frame, and k is the class. Thus if [3204, 6789, 1] is in any set, this means frames from 3204 to 6789 belong to class 1. - input -> 'images' folder <- training set and test set, created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'pitchview_svm.csv', contains [img name, class by svm, class manual]. - if class manual is 'manual', -> this is a training frame. - long_svm.m - the test set and training set are in array [x, y, k], where x is start frame, y is end frame, and k is the class. Thus if [3204, 6789, 1] is in any set, this means frames from 3204 to 6789 belong to class 1. - input -> 'images' folder <- training set and test set, created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'longview_svm.csv', contains [img name, class by svm, class manual]. - if class manual is 'manual', -> this is a training frame. - boundary_svm.m - the test set and training set are in array [x, y, k], where x is start frame, y is end frame, and k is the class. Thus if [3204, 6789, 1] is in any set, this means frames from 3204 to 6789 belong to class 1. - input -> 'images' folder <- training set and test set, created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'boundaryview_svm.csv', contains [img name, class by svm, class manual]. - if class manual is 'manual', -> this is a training frame. Level-4b : Non-Field view classification - Approach by [6] - close_up.m - input -> 'images' folder <- created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'output1.csv', contains [img, EP value,class by matlab,class by matlab]. -Our approach - close_crowd_svm.m - the test set and training set are in array [x, y, k], where x is start frame, y is end frame, and k is the class. Thus if [3204, 6789, 1] is in any set, this means frames from 3204 to 6789 belong to class 1. - input -> 'images' folder <- training set and test set, created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'closeup_crowd_svm.csv', contains [img name, class by svm, class manual]. - if class manual is 'manual', -> this is a training frame. Level-5 : Crowd classification - Our approach - close_classify.m - the test set and training set are in array [x, y, k], where x is start frame, y is end frame, and k is the class. Thus if [3204, 6789, 1] is in any set, this means frames from 3204 to 6789 belong to class 1. - input -> 'images' folder <- training set and test set, created above, check frames range, all those frames must be in the folder. - output -> 'fielder_crowd_svm.csv', contains [img name, class by svm, class manual]. - if class manual is 'manual', -> this is a training frame. *********************************************************************************************************************************************