Problem1 Problem2
Playing Soccer Partially Observable Stochastic Sequential Dyanamic Continuous Multi-Agent
Brushing Your Teeth Partially Observable Deterministic Sequential Static Continuous Single-Agent
Playing a tennis match Partially Observable Stochastic Sequential Dyanamic Continuous Multi-Agent
Practicing tennis against a wall Partially Observable Deterministic Sequential Static Continuous Single-Agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch Fully Observable Deterministic Sequential Static Discrete Single-Agent

Description of the answers for: Playing a Tennis Match

Partially Observable Agents senses will not be able to access the complete state of the environment for wil not be able to judge how fast the ball is going to come towards it .
Stochastic We will not know how the other player is going to hit the ball therefore being dependent on the choice made by the other player the system is stochastic
Sequential This can be understood by this example: the player has to place the ball away from the other player so he has to make a few moves before he is able to place the ball out of reach to him. This is why it is sequential
Dynamic As the other player can move just before the agent is going to hit the ball he has to decide at each and every time where he has to play the shot to win the match. As the state is changing during the process also it is Dynamic
Continuous As the agent has to hit the ball he has to decide on the power at which he has to hit and how fast he has to move all of which are continuous in nature
Multi-Agent As the environment is dependent on how the other player is playing the game at what speed he is hitting the ball and in which direction the situation is multi-agent.