Deterministic vs Stochastic Episodic vs Sequential Static vs Dynamic Discrete vs Continuous Fully observable vs Partially observable Single-agent vs Multi-agent
Playing Soccer Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Partially observable Multi-agent
Brushing your teeth Deterministic Sequential Static Continuous Fully observable Single-agent
Playing a tennis match Stochastic Sequential Dynamic Continuous Partially observable Multi-agent
Practicing tennis against a wall Deterministic Episodic Static Continuous Fully observable Single-agent
Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch Deterministic Episodic Static Discrete Fully observable Single-agent

Playing Soccer:
1. Stochastic - It is stochastic environment because next state of the environment can not be completely determined by the current state and the action executed by the agent.
2.  Sequential - It is sequential as current decision affects all future actions in a soccer game i.e. position of the ball and players.
3.  Dynamic - It is dynamic because the environment of soccer game changes with time.
4.  Continuous - It is also continuous because decision space of player for kicking the ball is continuous.
5.  Patially observable - It is partially observable as players only know about themselves and their teammates but do not know about opponent's team members.
6.  Multi-agent - As there are more than one players. It is multi-agent environment.
