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Following are for the second question
Task 1:Playing soccer
Deterministic/Stochastic |
Episodic/Sequential |
Static/Dynamic |
Discrete/Continuous |
Fully observable/Partially observable |
Single-agent/Multi-agent |
Stochastic |
Sequential |
Dynamic |
Continuous |
Partially observable |
Multi-agent |
Task 2:Brushing your teeth
Deterministic/Stochastic |
Episodic/Sequential |
Static/Dynamic |
Discrete/Continuous |
Fully observable/Partially observable |
Single-agent/Multi-agent |
Stochastic |
Sequential |
Static |
Continuous |
Fully observable |
Single-agent |
Task 3:Playing a tennis match
Deterministic/Stochastic |
Episodic/Sequential |
Static/Dynamic |
Discrete/Continuous |
Fully observable/Partially observable |
Single-agent/Multi-agent |
Stochastic |
Sequential |
Dynamic |
Continuous |
Fully observable |
Multi-agent |
Task 4:Practicing tennis against a wall
Deterministic/Stochastic |
Episodic/Sequential |
Static/Dynamic |
Discrete/Continuous |
Fully observable/Partially observable |
Single-agent/Multi-agent |
Stochastic |
Sequential |
Dynamic |
Continuous |
Fully observable |
Single-agent |
Task 5:Deciding what item to take at hostel lunch
Deterministic/Stochastic |
Episodic/Sequential |
Static/Dynamic |
Discrete/Continuous |
Fully observable/Partially observable |
Single-agent/Multi-agent |
Stochastic |
Episodic |
Static |
Discrete |
Partially observable |
Single-agent |
Explanation for Task 1: Playing soccer
Deterministic/Stochastic - Since the game of soccer when played with the exact same environments( which includes players, ground etc) twice, can result in two different games as how the players perfomr in the game determines the result, so this will be a stochastic process.
Episodic/Sequential - The game result depends on how you have played previously (in the same match) , so it is sequential.
Static/Dynamic - The environment is dynamic - football,other players etc are all in motion during the game.
Discrete/Continuous - It is a continuous environment. For example, if a player has to pass the ball to someone else, he should determine how far/at what angle he should hit the ball.
Fully observable/Partially observable - This can be slightly debatable, but players cannot view what every other player in the field is doing( so they are not fully aware of the environment), hence this will be a partially observable environment.
While during a tennis match a player can view all other agents, and the task environment(he is directly looking at them ).
Single-agent/Multi-agent - The game involves co-ordination between players in ateam and competition between the teams, hence is a Multi-agent task.