CS365 : Artificial Intelligence

Assignment 1 Generative-Discriminative Learning Solutions

Part A : k-NN based classifier

In this part, I have considered training set of first 10000 images from MNIST training set and checked for 5000 test cases. Plotted a graph for k=1:50 and k for which minimum error is 4. First, the rows of the data matrix of MNIST data classifies into groups using labels. k nearest neighbours are used to decide the class of data depending upon max(number of labels of particular digit). After training , it is tested on test sample and error is calculated directly proportional to mismatch with label of tests


1 . Plot k vs %age error

Part B : Manifold based modeling of MNIST digits

In this question, we have considered how an imaging system may construct models for handwritten numerals. We have used 3000 images from the MNIST database, each of size 28x28 pixels.

Brief Isomap


Q1 :Constructing the 2-D Isomap model for the MNIST using Euclidean distance for first 3000.

A.for Digits 1 and 7

Residual Variance vs Isomap Dimensionality Curve

Data Distribution of 1 and 7 Digits curve

B.for Digits 4 and 9

Residual Variance vs Isomap Dimensionality Curve

Data Distribution of 4 and 9 Digits curve

C.All the digits

Residual Variance vs Isomap Dimensionality Curve

Data Distribution of all Digits curve

NOTE Mappig like Tenenbum's paper is merged with above plots.

Q2:Constructing the 2-D Isomap model for MNIST data first 3000 using tangent-distance.

A.for Digits 1 and 7

Residual Variance vs Isomap Dimensionality Curve

Isomaps as given in Tenenbaum's paper.

B.for Digits 4 and 9

Residual Variance vs Isomap Dimensionality Curve

Isomaps as given in Tenenbaum's paper.

C.All the digits

Residual Variance vs Isomap Dimensionality Curve

Isomaps as given in Tenenbaum's paper.

NOTE Mappig like Tenenbum's paper is merged with above plots.

Part C : Deep Learning

In this part,I experiment with various layer architectures, parameters and try to improve the accuracy