I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time
you are finished talking, type RET twice.

Yeah can u help me about my problem of sadness

Why do you say that?

because i get sad many times without any specific reason

I don't understand.

mean's the reson of sadness is not strong enough

Maybe your life has something to do with this.

yes it has

What makes you believe
yes it has?

because the way i spend my day and it's busy schedule makes me sad

Perhaps your plans have something to do with this.

yes they do if i am able to plan my day accordingly than i will not
have enough time to be sad

Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going
through all this?
i don't think that's the true reason , because all of them are almost
my friends

When did you first know that all of them are almost your friends?

that was around my first year

Is it because of the people me hang around with that I am going
through all this that you say
that was around your first year?

i didn't got this

Earlier you said is the real reason?

no i never said that

Can you elaborate on that?

there's nothing to elaborate at all

How do you reconcile the people me hang around with that I am going
through all this?

they might be the reason for this

Are you sure that
they might be the reason for this?

no i am not

You mentioned that is the real reason that I came to you?


I would appreciate it if you would continue.

no thanks

Possibly this is related to problems at school?

it can be

Is it because of any hobbies you have that you say
it can be?

yes i have problem kind of forgiveness

Do you really think all of them are almost your friends?

not all of them

Maybe your sex life could be the reason for this.

no i never had a sex life

Are you afraid of sex?

no i am not but never found a real partner for it

Is the fact that not ever found a real partner for it the real reason?

no u are just changing the topic

What makes you think
no u are just changing the topic?

u can't relate my sex life to my sadness

Tell me about something about your sexual history.

i said i never had a sex history

Perhaps you could talk about your sex life...

there's nothing to talk about

Is it because of your inhibitions that you say
there's nothing to talk about?

no i never had a sex history that's why there's nothing to talk about

Does the fact that there's nothing to talk about explain anything

i don't want to relate my sadness with sexlife

Why do you say
i might want not want to relate your sadness sexlife?

now u are making me sad

You mentioned that is the real reason that I came to you?

yes u are not even trying to solve it

Is it because of some problems in your childhood that you are going
through all this?

yes i had struck my head with a pole that might be the reason behind
my forgiveness and that makes me sad

Have you been certain might be the reason behind your forgiveness and
that makes you sad?

yes i am

What makes you believe
yes you are?

because it turns out to be chalanging at many poit of time that i do
forget such little things that none of my friend do forget

Is it because you do forget such little things that none of your
friend do forget that you came to me?

yes u are a genious but u haven't solved my problem

Are you annoyed that u have not solved your problem?

i am telling about u

Earlier you said not ever found a real partner for it?

that was another reason

Possibly this is caused by the people you hang around with?

yeah that is the special reason not having a partner

When did you first know that is the special reason not having a partner?

the people i hang around with

Do you really think
the people you hang around with?

yeah i thought that , that's why i have told u

Is the fact that that's why you have told u the real reason?

yeah i agree with you but what should i do now

Does the fact that what should you do now explain anything else?

no its a kind of request shall i leave people with whom i hang around with

You mentioned that is the real reason?

yes i will do so

Maybe your life is because of this.

i will try even than