Brief Introduction to Isomap

Isometric Feature Mapping(Isomap) is a nonlinear method for dimensionality reduction.It finds the map that preseves the global, nonlinear geometry of the data by preserving the geodesic manifold interpoint distances


  1. Using Euclidean distance
  2. Samples of 1 and 7
    Graph of 1 and 7
    Samples of 4 and 9
    Graph of 4 and 9
    Samples of all the digits
    Graph of all the digits

  3. Using Tangential Distance
  4. Samples of 1 and 7
    Graph of 1 and 7
    Samples of 4 and 9
    Samples of all the digits


  1. The points of 1 and 7 are very much separated out.
  2. The points for 4 and 9 are pretty close to each other.
  3. Not fully but partially algorithm have separated the digits.