Assignment - Part A The revelant files are in Assign_part_A.tar.gz 1) a,b,c: The isomap for the first three parts have been attached namely Isomap_model_1_7_l2_distance.png, Isomap_model_4_9_l2_distance.png & Isomap_model_0_9_l2_distance.png. The original isomap.m has been changed to filter out the images with specific labels for MNIST database. The new matlab files generated are Isomap_1_7.m,Isomap_4_9.m & Isomap_0_9.m for the three respective parts. d: The changes have been done in isomap so as to incorporate the images of digits along with the plot. The code is in extra_credit_isomap.m & corresponding image is extra_credit_3n5.png. 2) Similar to the first three parts of previous question. Assignment - Part B The revelant files are in Assign_part_B.tar.gz 1,2,4) The residual map have been attached & the answers are mentioned in b_part_answers.txt file. 3) The possible values of all the thetas have been calculated using theta.m file. The corresponding feasible & non-feasible solutions have also been attached using the values derived from theta.m file. The steps of calculation & method to derive is mentioned in theta.m file as comments. Contribution: 50 % each