* Pam believes that Joe believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that George thinks that to please is easy # * Beth thinks that Pam believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * that the cow is easy to please annoys the dog # * Cindy thinks that George believes that to read is tough # * that the horse is easy to please worries the cat # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * Pam believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that George believes that to read is tough # * Cindy thinks that Joe believes that to please is easy # * that Cindy is tough to read disturbs Joe # * Cindy thinks that George believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that Cindy thinks that to please is tough # * that the rabbit is easy to read bothers the dog # * that Joe is eager to please disturbs the horse # * Cindy believes that George believes that to read is tough # * that the bird is eager to please disturbs the cat # * Pam thinks that Jim thinks that to please is easy # * that Cindy is eager to read bothers the cat # * that Joe is easy to please annoys Beth # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is easy # * that the rabbit is eager to read bothers the horse # * that the cat is easy to read bothers the horse # * Pam thinks that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Joe believes that to read is easy # * Beth thinks that Beth believes that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that Pam believes that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is easy # * that Cindy is easy to please worries the bird # * that the cat is tough to read bothers Jim # * Beth thinks that Cindy thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Pam believes that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * that Joe is easy to read bothers Jim # * that the horse is eager to read annoys the bird # * Beth believes that Beth thinks that to read is easy # * that Beth is easy to please annoys George # * Cindy believes that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Beth believes that to read is tough # * that the horse is eager to please bothers Jim # * Cindy thinks that Pam believes that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy thinks that Pam thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * that the dog is eager to read bothers the cow # * Cindy thinks that Pam thinks that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Jim thinks that to please is easy # * that Cindy is easy to read bothers the horse # * Beth thinks that George thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is easy # * Beth believes that Joe believes that to read is easy # * that the horse is tough to please worries Joe # * Cindy thinks that Joe believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * that the cow is easy to read disturbs Jim # * that the cat is easy to read worries the horse # * Pam thinks that Cindy thinks that to read is easy # * that Jim is eager to please annoys Cindy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Pam believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is easy # * that Joe is tough to please bothers the horse # * Beth thinks that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * that the horse is easy to please annoys the bird # * Pam believes that George thinks that to please is easy # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * that Beth is eager to read bothers Pam # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * Pam believes that Joe believes that to please is easy # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * Beth thinks that Jim believes that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that George thinks that to read is tough # * Beth thinks that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * that Cindy is eager to please disturbs George # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is tough # * Beth believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * that the cat is easy to please bothers the rabbit # * Cindy thinks that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Pam believes that George thinks that to please is easy # * Beth believes that George thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Beth thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to please is easy # * Pam believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * that the bird is tough to please annoys the cow # * Pam thinks that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy thinks that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * Pam believes that Joe believes that to please is tough # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Pam believes that George thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Jim thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that George believes that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Joe believes that to please is tough # * that the dog is tough to read annoys the cow # * that the horse is easy to read bothers the rabbit # * that George is tough to read disturbs the dog # * that Jim is tough to read worries the dog # * Cindy thinks that Joe believes that to please is tough # * that George is eager to read annoys the cat # * that the bird is tough to please annoys the cat # * that the horse is easy to read disturbs Pam # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is tough # * that the cat is easy to read disturbs the cat # * Pam thinks that Cindy believes that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is tough # * that the horse is eager to please bothers Beth # * Pam thinks that George believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Cindy thinks that to read is tough # * that the cow is easy to please bothers the horse # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is tough # * that the bird is easy to please disturbs the horse # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to please is easy # * that George is tough to please disturbs the dog # * Beth thinks that George thinks that to read is tough # * that Jim is eager to read bothers the horse # * Beth thinks that George thinks that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that Joe believes that to please is tough # * Cindy thinks that Joe believes that to please is easy # * Beth thinks that George thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that George believes that to read is tough # * that the rabbit is tough to please bothers Joe # * that the horse is easy to please worries the cat # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Pam thinks that to read is easy # * that Cindy is easy to please bothers the cat # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Beth believes that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Pam thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy thinks that George thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Beth thinks that to read is easy # * Beth thinks that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * that the cow is easy to read disturbs the horse # * Cindy thinks that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * that Cindy is easy to read worries the rabbit # * that the dog is eager to read disturbs the horse # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * that the cat is eager to please bothers Cindy # * Beth believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Pam believes that Pam thinks that to please is tough # * that the cow is eager to read disturbs the horse # * Pam thinks that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * that the bird is tough to read bothers the dog # * Beth believes that George thinks that to read is easy # * Beth thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Beth thinks that to read is easy # * Beth thinks that Beth believes that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that George thinks that to please is tough # * that the cat is eager to read bothers the cow # * Pam thinks that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * Beth thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * Pam believes that George believes that to please is easy # * that the cow is eager to please worries the cat # * that the dog is eager to read disturbs Joe # * Cindy believes that Cindy thinks that to read is tough # * that Jim is tough to please worries the horse # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Pam thinks that to read is tough # * that the horse is easy to please annoys Beth # * Cindy believes that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Joe believes that to please is tough # * Cindy thinks that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that George believes that to read is easy # * Pam thinks that Beth thinks that to read is tough # * Pam thinks that Joe believes that to please is easy # * Beth believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Pam believes that George thinks that to read is easy # * Pam thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * Pam believes that Jim believes that to read is tough # * that the rabbit is tough to read bothers the bird # * that the dog is tough to read bothers Jim # * that Joe is easy to read bothers the dog # * Pam thinks that George thinks that to read is easy # * that Pam is easy to read disturbs the cat # * Pam believes that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * that Jim is eager to please disturbs George # * Beth thinks that Beth believes that to please is easy # * that the cat is eager to please bothers the cat # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * Beth thinks that George believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that George believes that to read is tough # * Beth believes that George believes that to read is easy # * that Joe is tough to please disturbs the cat # * Beth believes that Pam believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe believes that to read is tough # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that George believes that to please is easy # * that the cow is tough to read worries the horse # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * Beth thinks that Pam believes that to please is easy # * that the rabbit is eager to read bothers the dog # * that the rabbit is eager to please bothers the dog # * that the cat is tough to read bothers the cow # * Cindy believes that George believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * that George is tough to please bothers the dog # * Pam believes that Joe believes that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Beth thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that George thinks that to read is tough # * Beth believes that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to please is tough # * Pam believes that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * Beth believes that George believes that to please is easy # * Beth thinks that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * that the horse is tough to read disturbs Beth # * that George is easy to read annoys the cat # * that Cindy is easy to please bothers Joe # * that Cindy is easy to please disturbs the cat # * that the horse is tough to please disturbs Cindy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Beth thinks that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Beth thinks that to please is tough # * that the cow is eager to read bothers the cow # * that Jim is easy to please disturbs the cat # * Beth thinks that Jim believes that to read is tough # * Pam thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * that the dog is tough to please bothers the dog # * that the dog is tough to please disturbs the dog # * Beth thinks that Pam thinks that to please is easy # * that the dog is easy to please disturbs Joe # * Pam believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * that the cow is easy to please disturbs George # * that the cow is easy to please bothers the horse # * Beth thinks that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * that the cat is easy to please bothers the cat # * Pam believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Beth believes that to read is tough # * Pam thinks that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Beth thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that Pam believes that to please is easy # * that the bird is easy to please disturbs the dog # * Pam thinks that George believes that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is easy # * that George is tough to please annoys Jim # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to please is easy # * that the rabbit is easy to please disturbs Cindy # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to read is easy # * Beth believes that George believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Beth thinks that to read is tough # * that Joe is eager to please annoys Jim # * Cindy thinks that Beth thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Cindy thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Pam thinks that to please is easy # * Pam believes that George believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Pam thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy thinks that to read is tough # * that Joe is easy to read annoys Jim # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * that George is eager to read bothers the horse # * Beth thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * that the bird is tough to please annoys the cow # * Cindy thinks that Beth believes that to please is easy # * Beth thinks that Beth believes that to please is easy # * that the cow is easy to please bothers Jim # * Beth believes that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * that the dog is eager to read disturbs the rabbit # * that the horse is easy to read bothers the rabbit # * Cindy thinks that George believes that to please is easy # * that the dog is eager to please bothers the rabbit # * Beth believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is easy # * that Cindy is eager to please bothers Jim # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Pam believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * that the cat is easy to read bothers Beth # * that the horse is tough to please bothers the cat # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * that Cindy is easy to read disturbs the horse # * Cindy believes that Pam thinks that to read is tough # * Pam believes that George believes that to read is easy # * that the cow is easy to read disturbs the dog # * Beth believes that Pam believes that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Cindy thinks that to read is easy # * that Beth is easy to please bothers the horse # * Beth thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * that the horse is easy to please disturbs Joe # * Cindy thinks that Pam thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that Joe believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Beth thinks that to read is tough # * Pam thinks that Jim believes that to read is easy # * that the dog is easy to read disturbs the horse # * that Beth is easy to read worries the horse # * that Pam is easy to please worries the cat # * Beth believes that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Beth believes that Jim believes that to read is tough # * that the dog is tough to read bothers the cat # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Beth thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy thinks that to read is easy # * Pam thinks that Beth believes that to please is tough # * that Cindy is easy to please disturbs the horse # * Cindy believes that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Cindy thinks that to read is easy # * that the cow is easy to please bothers the cow # * that the horse is eager to please disturbs Jim # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * that the dog is tough to please annoys Jim # * Beth believes that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that George believes that to read is tough # * Beth believes that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * that the dog is eager to read annoys the dog # * that the cow is tough to please bothers the dog # * Beth believes that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * that the cat is tough to read annoys Joe # * that Jim is tough to please annoys the cat # * Cindy thinks that Beth thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is tough # * that Jim is easy to please bothers the rabbit # * Cindy believes that Pam thinks that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * Pam thinks that Joe believes that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that George thinks that to read is easy # * that George is eager to read disturbs the dog # * Pam thinks that Pam thinks that to please is easy # * that the dog is easy to please bothers the bird # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to read is easy # * that the horse is easy to please bothers the dog # * that Jim is tough to please disturbs the dog # * Cindy believes that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Beth believes that Beth believes that to please is tough # * that the bird is tough to please worries George # * Pam believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that George believes that to read is easy # * that George is eager to please disturbs the bird # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * that the cat is tough to please annoys George # * that the cow is easy to please disturbs the bird # * Beth believes that Jim believes that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * that the dog is tough to please bothers Cindy # * that the cat is easy to read bothers Joe # * that Cindy is easy to read annoys Cindy # * Cindy believes that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * that the cow is easy to read bothers the dog # * that the rabbit is tough to read bothers the horse # * Beth believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * that the cow is eager to read disturbs Joe # * Beth thinks that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * that the bird is eager to please bothers the horse # * Beth thinks that Pam thinks that to please is tough # * that the cow is easy to read bothers the horse # * Pam thinks that George believes that to please is tough # * that Cindy is eager to read annoys the horse # * Cindy believes that Joe believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Pam believes that to read is tough # * that the dog is eager to read disturbs the bird # * Beth thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * that Joe is easy to read disturbs George # * Beth believes that Jim believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * that the bird is easy to read worries the cow # * Pam thinks that Jim believes that to please is easy # * that the horse is eager to please worries Joe # * Beth thinks that Cindy thinks that to please is tough # * that the dog is eager to please bothers Beth # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to read is tough # * that the dog is easy to please worries Cindy # * that Joe is easy to please bothers the cow # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that Beth believes that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to read is tough # * that Joe is tough to read bothers the cow # * Cindy thinks that Joe thinks that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to read is tough # * that the dog is tough to please disturbs the cat # * Beth thinks that Pam thinks that to read is easy # * Pam believes that Pam thinks that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that Pam thinks that to read is easy # * Pam thinks that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * that the dog is eager to please bothers Pam # * Beth thinks that Beth believes that to read is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to read is easy # * that the dog is easy to please disturbs the dog # * that the cow is tough to please disturbs Cindy # * that George is easy to please worries Cindy # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy thinks that Pam thinks that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Beth thinks that George thinks that to read is easy # * that Cindy is easy to please annoys the cat # * Beth thinks that Pam thinks that to please is easy # * that George is tough to please disturbs the dog # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to read is easy # * that the dog is easy to read bothers Beth # * Cindy believes that Beth thinks that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Cindy believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * that the bird is easy to please annoys Beth # * that Joe is tough to please annoys the bird # * that George is easy to please disturbs the cat # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is tough # * that the cat is tough to read disturbs the bird # * that Pam is easy to read annoys the dog # * Cindy thinks that George thinks that to please is easy # * Beth thinks that Joe believes that to read is easy # * that Jim is easy to read worries George # * Pam believes that Jim believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe believes that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Jim thinks that to read is easy # * Beth believes that Beth believes that to please is tough # * Beth believes that George thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Cindy believes that to read is tough # * Pam thinks that Cindy believes that to read is tough # * that the cat is easy to please disturbs the horse # * that the cow is tough to read bothers the horse # * that the cow is easy to please bothers Cindy # * that the dog is eager to please worries the dog # * Cindy thinks that Jim thinks that to please is tough # * that the dog is easy to please disturbs Jim # * that Pam is eager to read disturbs the bird # * Pam believes that Joe believes that to read is tough # * that the bird is easy to please worries Joe # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to please is tough # * that the dog is easy to please disturbs the cat # * that the cat is tough to read disturbs the cat # * Beth thinks that Joe believes that to read is tough # * Beth believes that Joe believes that to please is tough # * Pam believes that Pam believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Joe thinks that to please is tough # * Beth believes that George believes that to please is easy # * that the dog is easy to read disturbs the bird # * that Pam is easy to please disturbs Beth # * that the dog is easy to please bothers George # * Cindy thinks that Cindy believes that to read is tough # * that the cat is easy to please disturbs Beth # * that the cat is easy to please bothers Cindy # * that Jim is easy to please disturbs the dog # * Cindy believes that Beth thinks that to please is easy # * that the dog is eager to read annoys George # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to read is tough # * that the bird is easy to please bothers the rabbit # * that the horse is easy to please disturbs Joe # * Beth believes that George thinks that to please is tough # * that the dog is tough to read disturbs Joe # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Cindy thinks that to read is easy # * Beth thinks that Jim thinks that to read is tough # * that Jim is easy to read worries the bird # * that the rabbit is easy to read disturbs the rabbit # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Beth believes that to read is easy # * Pam believes that Joe thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that George believes that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that Cindy thinks that to please is easy # * Pam believes that Jim believes that to please is tough # * Cindy believes that Joe thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy believes that Joe believes that to read is tough # * that George is easy to please worries the cat # * Cindy thinks that Pam thinks that to read is tough # * that the cat is tough to read disturbs the dog # * Pam believes that George thinks that to please is easy # * Pam thinks that George believes that to read is tough # * that the cow is easy to please disturbs Jim # * that Joe is tough to read disturbs the dog # * Cindy believes that George believes that to please is easy # * Beth believes that Cindy believes that to read is easy # * that the bird is eager to please disturbs the horse # * Cindy thinks that George believes that to read is tough # * Beth believes that Pam believes that to please is easy # * that the bird is eager to please disturbs the cat # * that the cow is eager to please bothers Beth # * Cindy believes that Jim believes that to please is easy # * Cindy thinks that George thinks that to please is easy # * Cindy believes that George thinks that to read is easy # * Cindy thinks that Jim believes that to read is tough # * Pam believes that Cindy believes that to please is tough # * Pam thinks that Jim thinks that to please is easy #