PART A: Handwritten Numerals, MNIST Database

PART 1: To construct the 2-D isomap model using EUCLIDIAN DISTANCE and to show the cluster

a. Clusters for digits 1 in red color and 7 in blue color.

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cluster image (click to enlarge)

b. Clusters for digits 4 in red color and 9 in blue color.

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cluster image (click to enlarge)

c. All the Digits.

  1. Digit 1 is in red dots
  2. Digit 2 is in blue dots
  3. Digit 3 is in green dots
  4. Digit 4 is in yellow dots
  5. Digit 5 is in magenta dots
  6. Digit 6 is in black dots
  7. Digit 7 is in cyan dots
  8. Digit 8 is in red circles
  9. Digit 9 is in blue circles
  10. Digit 0 is in green circles
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cluster image (click to enlarge)
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residual error curve (click to enlarge)
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2-Dimensional Isomap Embedding (with neighbourhood graph) (click to enlarge)

PART 2: To construct the 2-D isomap model using TANGENT DISTANCE and to show the cluster

a. Clusters for digits 1 in red color and 7 in blue color.

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cluster image (click to enlarge)

a. Clusters for digits 4 in red color and 9 in blue color.

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cluster image (click to enlarge)

c. All the Digits

  1. Digit 1 is in red dots
  2. Digit 2 is in blue dots
  3. Digit 3 is in green dots
  4. Digit 4 is in yellow dots
  5. Digit 5 is in magenta dots
  6. Digit 6 is in black dots
  7. Digit 7 is in cyan dots
  8. Digit 8 is in red circles
  9. Digit 9 is in blue circles
  10. Digit 0 is in green circles
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cluster image (click to enlarge)
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residual error curve (click to enlarge)
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2-Dimensional Isomap Embedding (with neighbourhood graph) (click to enlarge)

The explanations regarding the codes can be found in the Readme.txt file in the folder

Hindi Numeral Images

PART B: Discovering Robot Motion's Degrees of Freedom

PART A: The Aldebaran Nao

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residual error curve (click to enlarge)

The value of K for nearest neighbours in isomap algorithm was taken to be 12 as it seemed to be giving the least residual error

Dimensionality: The most likely dimensionality of this data as suggested by the residual error curves is 2 as the elbow(as termed in the paper) of the curve lies at dimension 2. That is the variation in residual error reduces significantly as one moves from 2 to higher dimensions.

Explanation: This is quite as expected as in the given set of images the robot can be observed to be using only 2 degrees of freedom, one of the shoulder and the other at the elbow and the rest of the part remains practically constant in all the images. Thus, in this case, isomap has been able to successfully bring down the dimensionality of the data to not only a managable number, but in all probability to 2 meaningful dimensions representing the actual physical degrees of freedom.

PART B: The Robot Arms

The value of K for nearest neighbours in isomap algorithm was taken to be 7 as it seemed to be giving the least residual error

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residual error curve (click to enlarge)

Dimensionality: It is difficult to single out one likely number in the curve as an elbow occurs at 2, but then again at 4 and then at 10. Still,the most likely dimensionality of this data as suggested by the residual error curves seems to be 4 as the variation in residual error reduces significantly as one moves from 4 to higher dimensions.

Explanation: This can be explained by the fact that the robots have 4 degrees of freedom as suggested in the problem, and verified (though not very strongly) by the residual error curve. In this case also, more or less the dimensionality has been brought down to practically meaningful DOFs.

PART C: The Angles

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Diagram (click to enlarge)

PART D: The Box

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residual error curve (for 3 neighbours)(click to enlarge)

The value of K for nearest neighbours in isomap algorithm was taken to be 3 as it seemed to be giving the least residual error

Dimensionality: The most likely dimensionality suggested by the curve is 1.

Explanation: This can be explained by the fact that the complete change in the configuration depends only on the position(coordinates) of the box and practically nothig else. In the given image sequence the box only moves horizontally , hence 1 degree of freedom as rightly suggested by the isomap curve.

For questions B1,B2 and B4, We have taken a different approach then suggested. LodeImageData.m and then L2_distance.m essentially resize the image down to a 100x100 image and then compute the Distance Matrix D. Instead, we have written a function D_gen.m, which generates the D matrix taking from the images without resizing them. This function takes 1 image at a time and computes the row in Distance matrix D corresponding to that image, i.e. it calculates the distance of 1 sample from all other samples in one iteration of the outer loop. this procedure has the advantage of giving more accuracy because it is considering all pixels, but it takes much more time (time complexity increased to save space, otherwise it runs out of memory). As this procedure takes a long time (around half an hour), we decided to do it once for all the 3 parts B1,B2 and B4 and store the corresponding Distance matrices in
respectively. The files that were generated by us have been put in the same folder 'Codes'. In the scripts for these parts, these files are loaded, and used directly.

Complete Codes

Ankit Bhutani : A1 and A2, B1 and B2
Shubhdeep kochhar : A1 and A2, B3 and B4
nearly all the problems were done together