------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1). All the images corresponding to the images are in the folder 'images_AI_assignment2', with appropriate names. (2). All the codes been used are in the directory 'codes'. -we have seperated and modified the isomap code for each part of the question (3). The explanation part of the assignment is written in the 'Answers.txt' file For answers to A part of the assignment: (A1)-to get the isomap corresponding to 4 & 9 (Euclidean)functions need to be called are. >>[data,labels]=loadDigits(2000,'test'); >>c=get49(data,labels); >>dis49=L2_distance(c,c); >>Isomap49(dis49,c,'k',7); (A1)-to get the isomap corresponding to 1 & 7 (Euclidean)functions need to be called are. >>[data,labels]=loadDigits(2000,'test'); >>a=get17(data,labels); >>dis17=L2_distance(a,a); >>Isomap17(dis17,a,'k',7); (A1)-to get the isomap corresponding to all digits (Euclidean)functions need to be called are. >>[data,labels]=loadDigits(2000,'test'); >>d=L2_distance(data,data); >>Isomap(d,data,labels,'k',7); (A2)-to get the isomap corresponding to 4 & 9 (tangential)functions need to be called are. >>[data,labels]=loadDigits(2000,'test'); >>c=get49(data,labels); >>dist49=tangent_d(c,c); >>Isomap49tang(dist49,c,'k',7); (A2)-to get the isomap corresponding to 1 & 7 (tangential)functions need to be called are. >>[data,labels]=loadDigits(2000,'test'); >>a=get17(data,labels); >>dist17=tangent_d(a,a); >>Isomap17tang(dist17,a,'k',7); (A2)-to get the isomap corresponding to all digits (tangential)functions need to be called are. >>[data,labels]=loadDigits(2000,'test'); >>dt=tangent_d(data,data); >>Isomaptang(dt,data,labels,'k',7); For answers to the B part of the questions: (B1)-to get the isomap data and the residual variance curve the following commands been used. >>[data_B1, namesB1] = loadImageData('nao200', 'jpg'); >>data_B1=double(data_B1) >>B1=L2_distance(data_B1,data_B1); >>Isomap_normal(B1,'k',7); (B2)-to get the isomap data and the residual variance curve the following commands been used. >>[data_B2, namesB2] = loadImageData('box_random', 'jpg'); >>data_B2=double(data_B2) >>B2=L2_distance(data_B2,data_B2); >>Isomap_normal(B2,'k',7); (B4)-to get the isomap data and the residual variance curve the following commands been used. >>[data_B4, namesB4] = loadImageData('box1', 'jpg'); >>data_B4=double(data_B4) >>B4=L2_distance(data_B4,data_B4); >>Isomap_normal(B4,'k',7); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------