CS365 Artificial Intelligence
Homework 3: Interfacing a Humanoid Robot
This is a group homework; groups as for the project.
In this homework, you will write programs that will control the Aldebaran Naorobot for the following tasks:
There are two programming interfaces for the Nao - one is Choreographe, a simple interactive interface that you can download and try out rightaway. While Choreographe would be sufficient for (a), you will need to learn the SDK anyhow, since it is needed for integrating the vision aspects for part (b), so you might as well do everything with the SDK. Note that there is a built-in routine for face detection in the library.
- When it is set up at the vertex of a square of 1m, it should be able to traverse the square appropriately. You will be evaluated on the error in the final position at the end of the walk. (Note: May need to debug parameters based on the actual floor where it is being used).
- It will be set up and should look around for human faces at human height. When it detects a face, it should say "Dear human. I am now coming to you." It should then approach this person by turning its body appropriately, (it should test again to ensure that face is in expected position), then approach the human, stopping approximately 0.5m away (you can use the sonar). Then look at his/her face and say "Hello, welcome to the future. My name is Nao". You may enhance this behaviour in appropriate ways like shaking hands, recognizing faces etc. but in general these tasks are much harder.
The basics of the robot and the programming interface will be presented in class by Anurag Awasthi tomorrow (Wed) in the extra class at 8PM. Meanwhile, please read up on the Aldebaran Nao robot.
Submit as userid/hw3/index.html.
Interactions with the robot: Feb 15-19 in the Robotics Center, 9-5PM, people to get robot time based on other students' demand, so early birds will probably get more time.
Final Demos: Feb 20, Saturday in the Rob Ctr, 11AM-1PM
Due date: Feb 19 friday.
For both actions, you will need to upload a video, shot on the Final demo date, which you must edit (crop and reduce size) to give the shortest possible file size.
A. Upload video of robot walking the square.
B. Upload a video of the task. (Note: You get partial credit for just recognizing a face and saying the right thing).
For part B, code will need to be uploaded as well (perhaps others from around the world may use your routines!)