CS425/EE673 Jul-Dec 2006 Course Project

Project evaluation

We will have a project evaluation session, for about 10 minutes per group. This will be on 12 Nov (Sun). We have posted sign-up sheets in this regard outside CSE212 (look on the wooden board beside CSE211). There are separate sign-up sheets for CS and EE students. Please use the correct one when you sign-up!

During this evaluation session, you will have to show a demo of your project (show even if it is not fully working). We will also ask you questions to test your understanding of the code and its working. We will also evaluate the cleanliness of your coding, documentation, and commenting. We expect both members of the group to be present during this evaluation session.

The evaluation session will be conducted in the CC for EE students, and in CSE for CSE students. Be sure to test your code in these places beforehand!

During the evaluation session, be sure to arrive at least 10-15 minutes before-hand, and locate your instructor in the CC/CSE lab before your time-slot. You are responsible for locating us for your evaluation session, so please plan accordingly.

Submission guidelines

In addition to the evaluation session above, you have to submit your code and documentation. For this, please use the following guidelines. Read them carefully and follow them meticulously. Read this well in advance, and prepare your submission, not at the last minute.

Organizing your submission

How and when to submit

The real test

Bhaskaran Raman
Last modified: Mon Nov 6 15:51:12 IST 2006