Value-based pricing notes

Dr. Bjorn Schiemann is in charge of the mobile computing group at Siemens. He was at our Lake Tahoe retreats the last few times. Dr. Konstantin Keutner is working in Dr. Schiemann's group and is the person interested in value-based pricing.

Value-based pricing charges users based on content instead of bandwidth or airtime for mobile services. E.g. charges users based on the number of pictures sent, the number of songs downloaded, etc.

Dr. Keutner was not available for the meeting, so Dr. Schiemann gave a brief presentation on the requirements for value-based pricing.

Siemens is interested in pricing issues for a community. E.g. What is the appropriate pricing policy for someone sending a photo to a group of his friends?

With regard to congestion pricing. They are interested in issues related to building an infrastructure (monitoring, authentication, billing, etc) that would support congestion pricing at multiple places across multiple service providers.

When Dr. Keutner gets back, he will send us an email about questions they have with congestion pricing and issues that we might be able to collaborate on.

Jimmy Shih,
Last modified: Wed Jun 20 14:42:46 PDT 2001