- serv-comp first - motivn for wide-area sc - multiple serv providers - 6 floods/sec (explain cost) - overall methodology should come out - quantitative results: think about what to say - summary: mention take away - future work - slides with lot of text (link-state overheads) - be careful about quoting akamai: scale and span - is false-positive a problem? - 99.6 to 99.9 - higher path lengths, more use? - 100-avail? - not enough roadmap - link-state stuff jumped out of context - key take away from each graph: 1-2 bullets - title of graph on top - same font? - colors on graphs (remove yellow) - ordering of design challenges - quantify geographic diversity of hosts/paths selected? - graph 1 in slide 2 is weird (CCDF) - why 1.2sec? - berk/cmu on same graph is confusing