ICEBERG Architectural Issues for Computer-Telephony
Below, I have attempted to list the architectural issues in the
design of an IP-core network for Computer-Telephony
integration. Please send me feedback on or any additions to this
Note: I have based the description of these issues on the
components of the initial Universal-Inbox
model. This of course, could be wrong. But I think many of the issues
would still remain with the functional components even with an
alternate approach.
Issues with the Universal-Inbox Service
By Universal-Inbox Service, I mean the functional component that
does the impedance matching between an existing network/device and the
IP-core. This is roughly equivalent to the Iceberg Access Point
that appears in the ICEBERG Architecture talks.
- How to structure the several Universal-Inbox services? That is,
what is the big picture? What is the call set up procedure? What
roles do the different Universal-Inbox services play in setting
up a phone call?
- What is the interface between one Universal-Inbox service and
another? What is the signaling protocol they talk between each
other to set up a phone call?
- What are the persistent/soft state requirements for the
Universal-Inbox service? What are the requirements that this
service imposes on the Ninja infrastructure?
Issues with the Directory Service
By Directory Service (we need to come up with a more intuitive
name for this - but until then, this name will stick), I mean the
functional component that maintains the name mapping and the component
that maintains user profiles and preferences to provide personalized
communication management. One of the issues listed below is about
whether the name mapping and profile/preference management be done by
different components.
- How to structure the directory service? Should the user-profile
management be separated from the name-mapping management?
- How will the different directory services be placed in the
wide-area? How to locate the directory service that has the
profile of the callee in a particular call?
- How will the directory service make use of information that is
embedded in the components of specific networks? For example,
reachability information in a cellular network or "line-busy"
information from a PSTN network should be available to the
directory service.
- What is the interface provided by the directory service? It
needs to provide an interface for profile updates and profile
lookups. It also needs to provide an interface for name
- What is the storage model for the user-profiles? (That is, what
is the logical scheme?). This would involve defining what
constitutes an entity that can own a profile. This would involve
dealing with shared phones as well as with multiple roles a
person can take (professor, advisor, friend...).
- What is the storage mechanism for the user-profiles? (That is,
what is the physical scheme?). I think this is the part that is
provided by a persistent hash-table or the XML database.
Issues with Data Path
- Is there a service (like Emre/Barbara's Network service) that
does APC? What is its interface to the control protocol?
- Where do the operators run in the case of a call across the wide
Issues with Service Handoff
- Given all the above, how to do service handoff? To turn the
question around, how should the above issues be solved to
support Service Handoff?
Design Evaluation Criteria
- Should work with existing networks and end-devices
- Should accommodate more intelligent end-points (Smart phones or
even full-fledged Desktops).
- Should work in the wide-area. Scalability and performance in the
- Security issues (what are these?)
- The 3-arrow model: Quick design, refine design iteratively. I
don't think we should try to solve all these issues in the first
- To a first order, we should design for
functionality. Performance issues come in the next
iteration. (This is also the model that the Ninja people seem to
be following).
- We need to come up with a plan for the semester soon (in the
next "Integration Issues" meeting?)
Bhaskaran Raman,
Last modified: Sun Feb 7 13:25:12 PST 1999