CS698Y: Modern Memory Systems
Assessment Policies
There are four components through which a student will be assessed for a maximum of 100 learning points. Also, there are two options for students, which are as follows:
Option I:
30 = (3 × 10) = 3 programming assignments
40 = (2 × 20) = quiz 1.0 + quiz 2.0 (optional quiz 1.1 and 2.1) = max(quiz 1.x) + max(quiz 2.x)
20 = (2 × 10) = 2 paper reviews
10 = Classroom/Piazza participation
Option II:
30 = (3 × 10) = 3 programming assignments
20 = (1 × 20) = max(quiz 1.0, quiz 1.1)
30 = (1 × 30) = 1 research project
10 = (2 × 5) = 2 paper reviews
10 = Classroom/Piazza participation