Option2: 1 PA (15 points) + 1 RA (45 points) + 2 PRs (25 points) + 1 PP for each member of the group (5*3=15 points)
All PA, PR, PP, and RA assignments are group based: group of THREE members.
PA: Programming Assignment, RA: Research Project Assignment, PR: Paper Review Assignment, and PP: Paper Presentation Assignment
PA will be on mounting attacks through caches, DRAMs, TLBs, etc... on real machines.
RA will be on proposing new attacks or mitigating the existing attacks.
Evaluation will be based on the effort/commitment/learning/process and not based on the fixed policies that stress more on the output. You may get full points if you fail successfully :)
-1 * #(asking for deadline extensions for any assignments)
-1 * #(referring Biswa as Prof., Sir, Dr., *Biswa* )
-20% * #Late submission weeks (for late assignment submissions)