words are slithering out from the dark spaces between the keys; here they come, from between the A and the S, the L and the semicolon ... glistening a trail they climb laboriously onto the screen, jumbling up one letter at a time revelling in their freedom finding responsibility then, lining up, forming words, and in a flash they are resonating minds dredging memories, emotions - love hate sorrow travelling through ether from my space, my time to now where you sit reading this line words: making friends, enemies fighting, gossiping, falling in love, making more baby words, still more letters coming out of these dark keys populating this screen and then, becoming old and cliched no one wants them, disappearing into nothingness: crumbling into dust in dictionary graveyards forgotten as soon you move away this very word now this very poem
amit mukerjee
September, 2005, revised 26 September 2007