Overview: The bibliography has its focus on Spatial Reasoning with large overlaps in Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Vision, Solid Modeling, GIS, etc. The format is similar to a citation but structured and there are filters for translating to Bibtex or REFER. There is a search system (WWW online or with PERL or UNIX c-shell scripts), for keyword, author, and text search (see EXAMPLES below). The entire bibliography and utilities can be downloaded either through ftp (about 1 Mb) or through the search page (about 2Mb).
The bibliography is updated every month. It is maintained by Amitabha Mukerjee.
You can search for word fragments (default), full words, or regular
expressions (set the Search Mode). The default is to return
entries that have all of the words (AND); you can set this to any
(OR). The Output usually has lots of copious comments; it may
save you bandwidth to Purge Comments, or set it to
Only Citation. Although you can search the full
text, it may be better to use one of the fields by setting the
Fields to Search, the most productive of which, (for spatBIB)
may be Keywords (see Coverage below).
spatial prep All articles on spatial prepositions
MENTAL MAP Fails; suggests using PSYCHOLOGY instead of MENTAL
OVERV vision Overview articles involving vision
Order is unimportant in searching by Author; e.g.
Forbus Boi all papers by authors Forbus and Boi
Requicha 80 papers by Requicha in 1980 (or 1880 or 1808).
You can also search by the source (e.g. IJCAI-95), but this is
not standardized. To avoid huge bandwidths by beginners who search for
all entries with "AI", the number of entries is set at a default
of 20.
The following are the major keywords in the bibliography, and the
number of times they appear.
880 R (robotics)
678 AI (artificial intelligence)
370 GEOMOD (geometric modeling)
281 DYN (dynamics; mostly robotics [spatBIB.DYN])
272 SPATIAL (spatial reasoning)
253 KIN (kinematics - 2D and 3D)
193 QUALITATIVE (qualitative reasoning, naive physics)
188 KBS (expert systems)
175 OBSTACLE-AVOID (path-planning, navigation, etc)
168 MOBILE (mobile robots)
117 DESIGN (mostly mechanical design)
110 NEURAL (neural networks, connectionism PDP etc)
83 KNOWLEDGE-REP (knowledge representation)
81 SCREW (screw theory a la 3D-kinematics)
74 ASSEMBLY (assembly planning)
74 REACTIVE (reactive systems: behaviours/agents)
A more current list is compiled by the "Don't Search, just show me the
keywords" button on the the Search Page.
You can also see the complete list
of keywords and a list of
Other files in the distribution include: