Neat vs Scruffy: A review of Computational Models for Spatial Expressions.

Amitabha Mukerjee
Center for Robotics
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, INDIA


This paper attempts a survey of the computational modalities for representing spatial expressions. The focus is on computational or synthetic models, as opposed to cognitive or linguistic aspects. A number of formalisms based on qualitative paradigms such as topology seek to discretize space into regions based on alignment or tangency. This approach may be termed as ``neat''. Yet a large class of spatial expresssions (e.g. ``near'', ``move away from'') do not involve alignments, and even some which do (e.g. ``in-front-of'') have gradations. These gradations in a continuum are clearly less ``neat''; we may view these as ``scruffy''; there appears to be a growing trend towards the scruffy in recent times. The distinctions between the different models reviewed are demonstrated using the canonical example of ``the chair in front of the desk''.

Postscript File. (143K, 33 pages)

Amitabha Mukerjee Thu Jul 11 18:21:09 EDT 1996 (