// A list node, used in the structure for NP'sstruct list_rec{
char attr[20];
char value[20];
struct list_rec *next;
// Semantic representation of NP's
struct npsem_rec{
char type[20];
struct list_rec *attr;
char dir;
char ord;
};// Represents a funtion, used by prepositions and verbs
struct functs_rec{
char funct[20]; /* Name of the function used */
int nextarg; /* Next empty erg */
int argspec[2][10]; /* from where the arguments comes and type of the argument */
union sem_rec *argl[10]; /* List of arguments ..... max is 10 assumed*/
};// Represents the semantics of a modifier
struct modsem_rec {
char position; /* b a */
char typesem;
char from[4]; /* 0,1-9,10,100 */
char entry[4][20]; /* 0,1-9,10,100 */
};// Union of all the above semantics
union sem_rec{
struct npsem_rec npsem;
struct functs_rec functsem;
struct modsem_rec modsem;
int conjsem[2]; /* This represents the semantics of a binary conjuncton . it specifies the sequence in which the procedure for individual sentences should be run */
};// Structure used by a general phrase to represent the semantics associated with it.
struct phr{
char word[20];
char cat[20];
char spec[7];
char comp[100];
char typesem;
union sem_rec sem;