These are high level robotic control procedures which are designed in such a way so that they can be implemented using primitive capabilities of a robot.

        let's say we have a procedure movemap( semantic representation of NP) . So given an NP (noun phrase) as argument we need to move in the direction and extent given by the NP provided as argument. In our case NP semantic is represented by a structure-

struct npsem_rec{
        char type[20];   // the type of the node,that is building,park etc
        struct list_rec *attr;     // list of additional attributes associated with the node
        char dir;  // side of the road from the current location and heading of the car
        char ord; // ordinal number from the current location of the car

So a call to move map with -
dir='l' for left
      The procedure is simulated in the software by iteratively checking nodes from the current location until one with the matching fields is found or dead end is reached. In actual implementation this motion can be similarly realized by iteratively checking the nearby place and moving one step forward.