With the advancement in the field of Artificial Intelligence ,the research has been improved on tracking the vehicle in congestion road scenary traffic situation.With one step further,the behaviour of a car has been found in a petrol pump model by image processing sequence . The behaviour which hsa been found , has to be checked by executing the behaviour by sending back to the system.My project will be the first step for the above said problem.i.e Given the behaviour or the desired behaviour chosen by an agent himself wrt other agent ,the car will have to be simulated.The behaviour will be given as the position through which the vehicles could manouver themselves avoiding static and dynamic obstacles using potential fields as their guide.
The map of a petrol pump shown in fig is made by trapezoidal Segments and Junctions which joins the Segments. This representation is powerful enough to approximate real maps. the notion of a nominal path for vehicle is also given to guide it. The vehicle constitutes of a Driver (described in detail below) which alters the vehicle's runtime state with the objective of achieving the nominal path.
The driver is posed with the problem of altering the state of the car inorder to achieve the nominal path and avoid the obstacles (static \& dynamic). Each degree of freedom can be altered in three different ways (increased, decreased or no change), thus reuslting in 9 possible future configurations. A potential is associated with each configuration of the car in such a manner that if it is minimized then the car shall try to achieve the desired path. Thus the job of the driver is to project the car in each of its 9 possible future configurations and take a decision by minimizing the potentials calculated. The increment (x,y) coordinates of the car are a result of the decisions the driver has made from the time the car started to move.
The road sides are associated with the car by means of the segment boundaries associated with the car's current segment. These play a part only when the car is very close to them (Here the function x to the pow 4 is used to ensure this)
If the obstacle is in the same segment, ahead of it and is in the line of sight of the vehicle, it is visible to the vehicle.
I have been made a robust program at my level best using the theory described before. My implementation is programmed in Borland C++. The simulation works reasonably well for many different cases mentioned in the above section. The movement of the vehicle is quite smooth. To achieve this smoothness an attractor runs on the nominal path at some distance away from the vehicle and attracts it, thus resulting in its asymptotic movement towards the nominal path.
[F] This can be done by controlling the acceleration of the car as mentioned in the past work sction.
[F] With more than two cars the more general cases such as if two cars enter into diff lane from tord from sides opposite to one another ,then the third car should follow the path of the car whose direction is same as third car
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