Speech Signal Analysis
        Speech data can processed based on their many characteristics. One very crude method would be to use amplitude of the input signal. But this would be very poor because it is very dependent on the distance from microphone. A better method would be to extract the frequency components and their relative
strengths and use them.We are doing this in our project. The cepstrum derived from the logarithm of the spectrum can be used as well.

This image is from "Signal Representation" link

Figure: Examples of representations used in current speech recognizers. (a) time varying waveform of the word speech, showing changes in amplitude (y axis) over time (x axis); (b) speech spectrogram of (a), in terms of frequency (y axis), time (x axis) and amplitude (darkness of the pattern); (c) expanded waveform of the vowel ee (underlined in b); (d) spectrum of the vowel ee, in terms of amplitude (y axis) and frequency (x axis); and (e) Mel-scale spectrogram.

The speech signal is non-stationary. So a time dependent discrete time fourier transform needs to used. This done by windowing the speech samples into frames of appropriate size and doing the analysis on each frame. At this point Hidden Markov Models may be used by using phonemes extracted from the words.
