Uses a conceptual dependancy -like semantics-driven approach to parse input sentences as actions and identifies the actors and objects involved.
Locates filters and compares prices across diverse web site data and text formats.
An auction agent that interfaces with sites like eBay to place and manage user bidding.
Curvature Scale Space (CSS) is used to model a contour. Can this model be used to match partially visible contours?
Avoid obstacles using optical flow with on-board camera.
This presentation will describe the general techniques used for reinforcement-learning and the soccer-server model
Since the soccer robot has limited sensing (only in front), it has to constantly update a world model for the parts not visible,.
A program for controlling an inverted pendulum is generated as a function based on the sensed parameters. The function, modeled as a binary tree, is learned by using Genetic Programming.
Uses GA to place rectangular VLSI cells within a tableau, following the appropriate positional constraints.