Convex Hull:

The convex hull of a set is the smallest convex set containing it. Alternatively, it is the intersection of all the convex sets containing it.

 For example, the convex hull of three points in space is the planar triangle that has the three points as its vertices. The convex hull of a the unit circle in he plane is the unit disk, and the convex hull of a cube in space is the solid cube.
    The algorithm used here to construct the convex hull here is based on Josef O'Rourkes algorithm.The code is also based on that which is available on the web.The avilable code was based on integer arithmetic which was modified to floating point arithmetic.The datastructures used also had to be added & modified so that relevant information like normal vectors of the faces were also calculated and presented in the format accepted by the program
    The code starts by finding an initial building bloclk a minimum simplex of appropriate degree(tetrahedron in this case).The other vertices are considered sequentially.If a vertex is found to be inside the initial simplex  (found by tetrahedron signed volume test) the vertex is elliminated otherwise it is marked for addition into the convexhull.The edges which have both of their adgacent faces visible from the newly added vertex are marked for deletion.The datastructure is cleanedup after every addition or deletion.The code also generates the top view of the convexhull in the postscript format.