In the process of mechanical engineering
design and manufacturting, the automatic representation and construction
of solid madels with computers is a vital step. Three approches are commonly
used to create solid models;
(a) primitive modelling,
(b) traslation and rotational sweeping, and
(c) planar prjection reconstruction.
The first two metods have been applied in many commercial
software packages. But in these cases it is nedded the solid model as thier
input. But most of the input devices are 2 dimensional.To solve this problem
solid models reconstruction algorithm from 2D projections is deviced. It
is a procedure for recovering informations from a low dimension to high
dimension. Although obtaining 2D projections from agiven 3D object is stright
forward, the inverse operation becomes rather implicit and difficult.The
difficulties of this approch arise from the loss of semantic information
when a 3D object is represented with 2D projection.
In this project we have tried to implement the
and Chen,1994} solid model reconstruction
algorithm from orthographic views upto the 3D
wire frame generation part for rectilinear
object only.
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