Nesting of 2D Polygonal Parts using a Shape Reasoning Heuristic

Project done in CAED (ME451) under Dr. Amitabha Mukerjee
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


Saurabh Shrivastava


The general algorithm of fitting 2D objects into a given empty resource is NP-Complete. NP - this means that to generate the best solution we may need time which varies exponentially in proportion to the number of parts being fitted. Complete means, given a solution of the problem, we can verify it in polynomial time. So NP-Complete problem are difficult to solve, but it is easy to verify if the solution is correct. Therefore we use heuristics to solve such problems to give us good solutions which of course might not be optimal.

A technique is outlined here for the allocation or nesting of irregular parts into arbitrarily shaped containers. Placements are generated by matching complementary shapes between the unplaced parts and the remaining areas of the stock material. The part and resource profiles are characterized by varying levels of detail using geometric features at each stage of processing to intelligently select parts of the resource. Numerous criteria are available for selecting the best part, orienting it, and placing it on the resource. One technique used is to search for complementary shapes existing between the profiles of the unplaced parts, and the remaining usable stock. Fine detail is ignored and more generic characteristic shapes or features are used to judge the quality of the actual match between two profiles.

This technique has many uses. A few of them are
  • Finding cut patterns in garment manufacture so that minimum cloth is wasted
  • Cutting blanks out of metal sheets
  • Fitting electronic component on chips: the closer they are packed, faster they can communicate with each other.
  • Technicalities

    Features can be described by the two adjacent edges and the included angle. A third side can also be added to have concept of protrusions and pockets. It has been found, it is necessary only to extract convex features from parts to match with concave features from remaining stock material (or void). By simplifying the object profile, a hierarchical group of features describing both miniscule and large scale characteristics of a profile can be constructed. Void and Object profile is simplified by

    SCR (Small scale Complexity Reduction)
    which eliminates inconsequential shallows, ridges, and fillets by examining each profile vertex and its two adjacent sides.
    LSRD (Large Scale Resource Division)
    which eliminates complexity at more global level, splitting the void at locations of necking and evaluating the usefulness of the regions based on their shape and size. The objective here is to maintain larger useful areas, while eliminating smaller unusable ones where the likelihood of successful placement of parts is minimal.

    Differing levels of details can be achieved by varying the maximum allowable height of the irregularities. Once the primary side of a match is selected, the way in which the two features mesh or fit together is ascertained - known as the align type. Because features are only an approximate representation of the actual profiles, the initial part placement indicated by the align type is only an estimate. For those placements residing completely within the void, further refinement is achieved by translating the part as far as possible in a predefined direction, calculated from the angles of the void feature.

    To summarize

  • Determine the align type for the associated features.
  • Position the part using the align type and insure it falls totally within the remaining resource.
  • Shift the part as far as possible within the void and in the direction specified by the align type. To determine the quality of match, a matching index is generated for each possible alignment of a pair of features (one feature of a void and the other from the object). This index is a combination of three basic difference measures between the part and the void feature.
  • Implementation

    1. Preprocess the parts to extract features at varying levels of details.
    2. Simplify the remaining resource in varying levels of detail, extract features.
    3. Generate matching indices for all possible feature combinations from part and voids.
    4. Go from most favourable to least favourable index, and see if placement is possible.
    5. Among all the parts satisfying 4 choose that object which wastes the minimum space.
    6. If parts remain, goto 2 else generate solution and end.

    Our Approach

    We implemented the above algorithm which did

  • generation of features of both the stock and the parts. The feature consist of two adjacent sides with the angle included.
  • built a match index which for each stock feature, for each part feature, found out the index value if the part could potentially be placed ( if the feature angle of the part is less than that of the stock, and also if the part is placed, it doesnot intersect with the filled stock , we say the part can be placed). Here extensive feature matching was required. Feature matching requires translating of the part feature to the stock feature being considered and then rotating the part so as to align one of the edges with the stock feature. The index value of the match reflects the fitness of the match. We used the sum of following two parameters to find out the index value
  • After the index was built (which incidentally is the most computive intensive operation of the algorithm), the best match (which had the maximum index value) was chosen as the next part to be fitted. The part was then placed (effectively it is the union of the part and the stock under consideration) Now the stock features were again generated, match index built ... till all parts were placed or more parts could not be placed.
  • We didnot implement the resource (remaining stock) simplification.

    The input to our program is through a file describing the objects to be placed as well the empty stock. A few examples follow.

    Figure 1 showing placement of 3 parts

    The big "U" in white lines is the void. All the three parts were defined at the lower left corner. The boundary lines of parts in white show the intermediate steps where they were unsuccesfully tried to be placed. The final positions are shown in colour.

    Figure 2 showing placement of 5 parts.

    Note how the square fits into the cavity of the arrow. Also see how the inverted "W" tilts to avoid overlap.

    Figure 3

    In Figure 4 below, the left limb of the stock overhangs.

    Figure 4


  • Lamousin, H. Waggenspack, W.N.,Nesting of two-dimensional irregular parts using a shape reasoning heuristic.,Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 221-238, 1997.