
People always look for ways to define and design real 3d objects. Major problem which the designer face is the problem of defining the object. What is the correct definition of the object?
For the illustration, let us take a simplest real example that we can think of, take the example of designing a table, suppose designer want to design a table then what is the definition of the table from the designer's point of view? That his customer will give to design it. It is quite obvious that the customer is not going to give the definition in any of the following way.

In some cases however, the user will say that glue following objects/parts. But as a good designer, I should be having a tool such that the user/customer can define the object in a simple way like, " design a table of such and such dimensions for me". So, here we needs some user's friendly software that can design the objects by giving commands in simple day-to-day language like English. Moreover, designer dreams that his software can be used by a person, who does not know any thing about the design concept. He simply should be able to say to the computer in simple language, draw cuboid , draw cylinder draw , draw prism with inputing along certain dimensions. Basic, Idea is floating around a simple need of the today's world of considering the user's ease at first priority. What customer want is the ease of designing the objects. So this has become the fundamental of any designing tool. Programer is any way is not going to use the software and eventually user will use it and he must be able to use the software with minimal knowledge. User's Ease is the basic motivation of doing the 2.5 D modelling.