UNESCO (publ);
Together in Dreamland: Children's dramas from Asia and the Pacific
Asian Cultural Center UNESCO 1987 / National Book Trust 1995 [Tarun nov08 Rs40]
topics: | drama | southeast-asia | japan | china | sri-lanka | india | iran | korea
A great book with 14 plays for children, with costume illustrations and other staging details. The plays are modern and turn on unusual themes; a rare selection.
AUSTRALIA: Greg Mc Kart : Making Friends BURMA: P. Aung Khin: CHINA: Bao Lei : Little bear and his guests (incl music score by Chen Fanggian, tr. Wu Ming) INDIA: Vijay Tendulkar: Bobby (tr. Kumud Mehta) Bobby, a modern girl, imagines encountering Akbar, Shivaji, Birbal in school and then Mickey Mouse and the moon. Each character disappears when she stops thinking of them. Eventually Papa and Mummy come back from the movie they have gone out for, leaving her behind. INDONESIA: Hardjono Wiryosoetrisno: The Kite IRAN: Behrouz Gharibpoor: Everything in its proper time (tr. Mohaqmmad Naghavi) The four neighbouring villages of Shocksburg, Sneersburg, Snarlsburg, and Joysburg. A misunderstanding about a sound in a cave leads eventually to war; its resolution reveals the need for talking to each other about our problems. JAPAN: Michio Katoh: The little mimic (tr. Kyoko Matsuoka) The little mimic is a boy who imitates others to infuriation. In the end his targets get together and starts imitating him, and cure him. MALAYSIA: Herani Ismail Suki: Tortoise and his flute NEPAL: Shiva Adhikari : The boy Siddhartha PHILLIPPINES: Rene O. Villanueva: Teeny-weeny-tiny H. KOREA: Yong-Jun, Y.: The anchovy of the east sea (tr. Ahn Jung-Hyo) SINGAPORE: Jessie-Wee: Twin Aliens SRI LANKA: Lelia Ekanayake: The tale of the tar doll THAILAND: Thanika Tappadit: The Shadow (tr. Onchuna Yuthavong)