Traxler, Matthew J. (eds.); Morton Ann Gernsbacher;
Handbook of psycholinguistics
Elsevier/Academic Press, 2006, 1184 pages
ISBN 0123693748, 9780123693747
topics: | psychology | language | reference | anthology
by Keith R. Kluender, Michael Kiefte, 153-199
speech sounds are comprised of multiple acoustic attributes, many of which are redundant, one acoustic attribute serves to predict the occurrence of another. Through experience, perceptual processes come to absorb these correlations in a way that increases efficiency. When perceptual systems encode correlations among attributes, there are two consequences. First, there is a decrease in sensitivity to differences between two sounds that share the same pattern of correlation among the same set of attributes. Second, two sounds with different patterns of correlation become easier to distinguish. A PCA analogy: In Principal Component Analysis one begins with a correlation matrix of multiple variables, created to assess the degree to which each variable is correlated with every other variable across many observations. Can now compute vectors = weighted combinations of variables that account for as much shared variance as possible. a limited number of vectors (few relative to the number of variables) can account for a high percentage of the total variance across observations. However, how the PCA analogy fails is itself illuminating. First, PCA is a linear analysis, and it is well-known that sensory processes are nonlinear. Also, PCA requires that vectors be ordered from most to least amount of variance accounted for, and these vectors must be orthogonal (Eigenvectors.) ICA overcomes some deficiencies of PCA (such as the normally distributed values assumption).
Through experience with redundant attributes, a simplified encoding of inputs as patterns of correlation [emerges]... These correlation vectors [may be thought to] correspond to the putative linguistic units called phonemes (Kluender & Lotto, 1999) 175
The profound role of experience is especially clear for speech perception. thousands of languages in use around the world... most without writing systems. Across a survey of only 317 languages, Maddieson (1984) describes 558 different consonants, 260 different vowels, and 51 diphthongs used by talkers around the world. ... acoustic distinctions that are communicatively necessary in one language should be ignored by speakers of another. Experience plays a critical role in tuning speech perception to the distributions of sounds within one’s language environment. Much, if not most, of this development as a native listener takes place during the first year of life. 177
But how do infants come to hear speech contrasts in a way that is appropriate to their native language environment? ... clearly audible differences such as gender of talker, speaking rate, emotional state, and other factors have profound effects on the acoustic signal, which must be overcome... At least by the age of 6 months, infants can distinguish stimuli by vowel type even when different instances of the vowel differ considerably between presentations (Kuhl, 1983). In a reinforced head turn paradigm, Kuhl trained infants to turn their heads only when the vowel of the background stimulus changed during presentation of the closely related vowels [a] (as in ‘tot’) and [ ] (as in ‘taught’) spoken by a male talker. When tested on novel vowels produced by women and children (adding random variation in pitch contour in addition to shifting absolute frequencies of formants), infants provided the correct response on the first trial demonstrating that they recognized the novel instances as consistent with training vowels despite talker changes. 178 [this would agree with the correlation-based formulation of 4.3. - correlations are discovered] on the basis of attributes that tend to co-occur. Attributes such as those accompanying changes in talker are irrelevant to particular consonants and vowels, so they do not play much role in phonetic distinctions. later studies: the degree to which infants treat as equivalent acoustically different instances of the same vowel is critically dependent on their experience with a particular language. For example, 6-month-old infants detect differences between vowel sounds differently depending on whether they lived in an English-speaking (Seattle) or Swedish-speaking (Stockholm) home (Kuhl, Williams, Lacerda, Stevens, & Lindblom, 1992).
Further evidence for the role of experience can be found in experiments in which performance by European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), having learned statistically-controlled distributions of renditions of Swedish and English vowels, was highly correlated with performance of adult human listeners (Kluender, Lotto, Holt, & Bloedel, 1998). A simple linear association network model, exposed to the same vowels heard by the birds, accounted for 95% of the variance in avian responses. Consistent with the principle that consonants and vowels are defined mostly by what sounds they are not, both human goodness judgments (Lively, 1993) and starling response rates illustrate an anisotropy: peak responses are skewed away from competing vowel sounds more than they are defined by centroids of vowel distributions. [?]
Werker and her colleagues (Werker, Gilbert, Humphrey, & Tees, 1981; Werker & Logan, 1985; Werker & Lalonde, 1988; Werker & Tees, 1983; Werker & Tees, 1984a, 1984b) demonstrate that, as a function of experience with consonants in their native language, infants’ tendency to respond to differences between some consonants that are not in their language begins to attenuate. The series of studies by Werker and Lalonde (1988) permits a relatively complete description of the phenomenon. They exploited the fact that speakers of English and Hindi use place of articulation somewhat differently for stop consonants. While for English, three places of articulation are used for voiced stop consonants: labial, alveolar, and velar (e.g. /b/, /d/, and /g/, respectively), in Hindi four places are used: labial, dental, retroflex, and velar (e.g. /b/, /d/ (dental; dil), /D/, and /g/, respectively.) They created a synthetic series that varied perceptually from /b/ to /d/ (for native-English speaking adults) and from /b/ to /d/ to /D/ (for native-Hindi speaking adults). 179 Used reinforced head turn procedure (as in Kuhl): * 6- to 8-month-old English infants respond to the /b/ to /d/ and also to [d] / [D]; * 11- to 13-mo English infants responded reliably only to the English [b]-[d] contrast, and not to the Hindi [d]-[D] contrast. Essentially, 6- to 8-month-old infants responded in a manner typical of native-Hindi adults, while 11- to 13-montholds responded like native-English adults treating both dental and retroflex stops as being the same.When hearing dental and retroflex Hindi stops [dil vs DAmar] 6- to 8-month-old infants from English-speaking homes respond in a manner typical of native-Hindi adults and 11- to 12-mo Hindi infants Before they are a year old, English infants start treating both consonants the same. fig based on [Werker and Lalonde, 1988]. p. 180 Werker and her colleagues have found analogous results in studies using different consonant contrasts from different languages... For vowels and consonants, perception of speech is shaped during the first year of life in ways that respect the statistics of the linguistic environment.
It is impossible for small developing vocal tracts to produce adult-like sounds of a language owing to differences in the supralaryngeal anatomy and control, ( Kent & Miolo, 1995...; Kent etal 2005). The infant vocal tract begins as single tube not unlike that of a chimpanzee - facilitates simultaneous drinking and breathing. But production of many speech sounds hampered. Larynx begins too high with a vocal tract too short - undergoes drastic restructuring across first 6 years... What is a neotalker to do? Mimicking speech sounds of the adult is not an option. May be possible to produce sounds that are different in ways similar to how adult speech sounds differ. e.g. shorter vocal tracts have resonances at higher frequencies than do longer vocal tracts, so center frequencies of formants are much higher. ==> children's formants cannot approximate the same frequencies as adults. However, the [child's production] can preserve acoustic contrasts proportional to those heard from adult talkers. e.g. same relative change in formant frequency can be produced irrespective of vocal tract size... the problem so recast, becomes inherently relative.
Marta Kutas, Cyma K. Van Petten, Robert Kluender Much discussion in psycholinguistic and linguistic literatures on the extent to which there is a basic distinction between literal and non-literal language representations and processes. Extremes: - Unified view: the dichotomy between literal and figurative thought or language is a psychological illusion; single set of processes is responsible for the processing of both - Differently comprehended: figurative language is unusual and special, and engages different comprehension processes Katz, A. N., Cacciari, C., Gibbs, R. W., Jr., & Turner, M. (1998). Figurative language and thought. New York: Oxford University Press. Very few electrophysiological investigations of non-literal language processing, specifically of jokes and metaphors. early reports that one subtle communicative deficit in patients with damage to the right hemisphere is difficulty understanding non-literal language [Brownell 1990] but recent claim that right- and left-hemisphere patients are more similar than different. [Gagnon 2003] [Brownell, H., Simpson, T., Bihrle, A., & Potter, H. (1990). Appreciation of metaphoric alternative word meanings by left and right brain-damaged patients. Neuropsychologia, 28, 375–383. Gagnon, L., Goulet, P., Giroux, F., & Joanette, Y. (2003). Processing of metaphoric and nonmetaphoric alternative meanings of words after right- and left-hemisphere lesions. Brain and Language, 87, 217–226.
current models of metaphor comprehension: mostly assume that same operations are involved in literal and metaphorical language comprehension, but that metaphorical language especially taxes certain operations (see Katz et al., 1998). But several sources of behavioral evidence indicate that metaphorical meanings are sometimes available at the same time as literal meanings and may even compete with each other. Researchers have examined these issues with ERPs as equivalent reaction times do not necessarily translate into equivalent processing demands. No electrophysiological study has yet offered any strong evidence for a qualitative difference in the way literal and metaphorical language is processed. The final words of metaphors typically elicit slightly larger N400 amplitudes than equally unexpected (low cloze) words completing literal statements. This suggests that people invoke the same operations, but also do experience more difficulty integrating words with a metaphoric than literal context. (from Marquez etal, Methods in cognitive linguistics, 2007: Cloze probability: probability that a given word will be produced in a given context on a sentence completion task. The word “month” has a high cloze probability in “The bill was due at the end of the –,” a low cloze probability in “The skater had trained for many years to achieve this –,” and an intermediate cloze probability in “Because it was such an important exam, he studied for an entire –.” Pynte etal 1996 established that final words of short metaphoric sentences elicited larger N400s than categorical statements, despite being matched on cloze probability. Subsequent experiments showed that the ease of processing metaphoric statement, like literal statements, could be modulated by prior context. When presented in isolation, relatively familiar and unfamiliar metaphors elicited equivalent ERPs (e.g., “Those fighters are LIONS.” versus “Those apprentices are LIONS.”). Pynte, J., Besson, M., Robichon, F. -H., & Poli, J. (1996). The time-course of metaphor comprehension: An event-related potential study. Brain and Language, 55, 293–316. role of preceding context: unfamiliar metaphor with a useful context (“They are not cowardly. Those apprentices are LIONS.”) elicited a smaller N400 than a familiar metaphor preceded by an irrelevant context (“They are not naïve. Those fighters are LIONS.”). The metaphors-in-context were not compared to a literal condition to determine if the enhanced N400 observed for isolated metaphors disappeared with appropriate context. However, across the multiple experiments, there was no hint of distinct processing stages during metaphor comprehension. Tartter and colleagues raise the possibility that, while processing a metaphorical expression, comprehenders nonetheless do take note of the anomalous nature of the expression’s literal meaning (Tartter, Gomes, Dubrovsky, Molholm, & Stewart, 2002). They suggest this realization may underlie the phenomenological sense of satisfaction experienced when confronting a metaphorical statement. They compared the ERPs to final words completing the same sentence frame either literally, metaphorically, or anomalously (e.g., “The flowers were watered by nature’s RAIN / TEARS / LAUGHTER”, respectively). Cloze probabilities were higher for the literal endings than the other two conditions (both near zero). They argue that if context is used to construct a meaningful interpretation of a metaphorical expression without any accompanying appreciation that the expression’s literal meaning is anomalous, then a metaphorical but literally incongruous ending should not elicit an N400. This construal of the N400 as an anomaly detector is problematic given that words that fit but are less expected also elicit sizable N400s; semantic anomalies are neither necessary nor sufficient to elicit N400s. Tartter etal 2002 obtained a three-way amplitude difference in the peak latency range of the N400: anomalous > metaphorical > literal; however, the ERPs to literal completions pulled away from the other two conditions earlier than the differentiation between metaphoric and anomalous completions. This pattern of results suggests (to us) that semantically anomalous sentence endings were more difficult to process (as reflected in larger and longer N400 congruity effect) than the metaphorical endings, which were in turn more difficult to fit with the prior context (as reflected in greater N400 activity) than the literal, congruent endings. Also: suggests that metaphors are initially processed much the same as semantic anomalies, although they are meaningfully resolved in a shorter duration. However, this latter conclusion is somewhat complicated by the difference in cloze probability and frequency between the literal and metaphoric completions. Tartter, V. C., Gomes, H., Dubrovsky, B., Molholm, S., & Stewart, R. V. (2002). Novel metaphors appear anomalous at least momentarily: Evidence from N400. Brain and Language, 80, 488–509. Coulson, S., & Van Petten, C. (2002). Conceptual integration and metaphor: An event-related potential study. Memory and Cognition, 30, 958–968. Kazmerski, V. A., Blasko, D. G., & Dessalegn-Banchiamlack, G. (2003). ERP and behavioral evidence of individual differences in metaphor comprehension. Memory and Cognition, 31, 673–689. Coulson and Van Petten (2002) - significant analytic and empirical step - hypothesize that the same conceptual operations important for understanding metaphors are often also engaged during the comprehension of literal statements. These include establishing mappings and recruiting background information, or, more specifically, looking for correspondences in attributes and relations between the target and source domains, setting up the mappings, aligning them, selecting some, and suppressing others. By using sentences describing situations where one object was substituted, mistaken for, or used to represent another (the literal mapping condition, e.g., “He used cough syrup as an INTOXICANT.”), they created sentences requiring mappings between two objects and the domains in which they commonly occur, albeit with less effort than for a metaphor (e.g., “He knows that power is a strong INTOXICANT.”), but more than for a simple literal statement with fewer or no mappings (e.g., “He knows that whiskey is a strong INTOXICANT.”). ERPs elicited by sentence-final words showed graded N400 activity, with metaphor > literal mapping > literal, although the three conditions were matched in cloze probability. These data indicate that although literal and figurative language may engage qualitatively similar processes, increasing the burdens on mapping and conceptual integration can make metaphors more difficult to process. Kazmerski etal 2003: examined individual differences in metaphor comprehension, and found that both vocabulary and working memory capacity were important factors as individuals determined whether a metaphoric statement was literally untrue (as compared to false statements without metaphoric interpretations, e.g., “The beaver is a LUMBERJACK.” versus “The rumor was a LUMBERJACK.”). High IQ participants showed greater interference, presumably because the figurative meaning was extracted without voluntary effort (Kazmerski, Blasko, & Dessalegn- Banchiamlack, 2003). Lower IQ participants had equivalent N400s for the metaphoric and anomalous statements, suggesting that they had no additional trouble rejecting metaphorical sentences as untrue. Thus, although individuals with lower IQs clearly understood the metaphors in an off-line task, the on-line evidence provided by the ERP seems to indicate that metaphorical processing is not always obligatory or automatic.
Preface, Matthew J. Traxler vii-viii 01: Observations on the Past and Future of Psycholinguistics 1-18 Alan Garnham, Simon Garrod, Anthony Sanford
02: Properties of Spoken Language Production 21-59 Zenzi M. Griffin, Victor S. Ferreira 03: Syntax and Production 61-91 Fernanda Ferreira, Paul E. Engelhardt 04: Speech Disorders 93-124 Gary Weismer 05: Functional Neuroimaging of Speech Production 125-150 Thomas A. Zeffiro, Jennifer L. Frymiare
06: Speech Perception within a Biologically Realistic Information-Theoretic Framework 153-199 Keith R. Kluender, Michael Kiefte 07: The Perception of Speech 201-248 Jennifer S. Pardo, Robert E. Remez 08: Spoken Word Recognition 249-283 Delphine Dahan, James S. Magnuson 09: Visual Word Recognition: The Journey from Features to Meaning (A Travel Update) 285-375 David A. Balota, Melvin J. Yap, Michael J. Cortese 10: Lexical Processing and Sentence Context Effects 377-401 Robin K. Morris 11: Semantic Memory 403-453 Beth A. Ober, Gregory K. Shenaut 12: Syntactic Parsing 455-503 Martin J. Pickering, Roger P. G. van Gompel 13: Prosody 505-537 Shari Speer, Allison Blodgett 14: The Syntax-Semantics Interface: On-Line Composition of Sentence Meaning 539-579 Liina Pylkkänen, Brian McElree 15: Constraint Satisfaction Accounts of Lexical and Sentence Comprehension 581-611 Maryellen C. MacDonald, Mark S. Seidenberg 16: Eye-Movement Control in Reading 613-657 Keith Rayner, Alexander Pollatsek 17: Psycholinguistics Electrified II (1994–2005) 659-724 Marta Kutas, Cyma K. Van Petten, Robert Kluender 18: Discourse Comprehension 725-764 Rolf A. Zwaan, David N. Rapp 19: Neuroimaging Contributions to the Understanding of Discourse Processes 765-799 Robert A. Mason, Marcel Adam Just 20: Comprehension Ability in Mature Readers 801-833 Debra L. Long, Clinton L. Johns, Phillip E. Morris 21: Figurative Language 835-861 Raymond W. Gibbs Jr., Herbert L. Colston 22: Eye Movements and Spoken Language Comprehension 863-900 Michael K. Tanenhaus, John C. Trueswell 23: Perspective Taking and the Coordination of Meaning in Language Use Dale J. Barr Boaz Keysar 901-938 24: Comprehension Disorders in Aphasia: The Case of Sentences that Require Syntactic Analysis 939-966 David Caplan, Gloria Waters 25: Language Processing in Bilingual Speakers 967-999 Ana I. Schwartz, Judith F. Kroll 26: Psycholinguistic and Neurolinguistic Perspectives on Sign Languages 1001-1024 David P. Corina, Heather P. Knapp
27: Language Learning in Infancy 1027-1071 Anne Fernald, Virginia A. Marchman 28: Acquisition of Syntax and Semantics 1073-1110 Stephen Crain, Rosalind Thornton 29: Learning to Read 1111-1142 Richard K. Wagner, Joseph K. Torgesen, Shayne B. Piasta 30: Cognitive and Linguistic Issues in the Study of Children with Specific Language Impairment 1143-1171 Laurence B. Leonard, Patricia Deevy Subject Index 1173-1184