Stuart, V. A.;
Massacre at Cawnpore (Alexander Sheridan Adventures 3)
McBooks Press, c1973 / 2002, 240 pages
ISBN 1590130197 9781590130193
topics: | fiction-historical | british-india | 1857 | colonial | kanpur
Written in the 1970s, this fictional narrative follows the well-trodden british colonial narrative of "massacre at cawnpore".
History or fiction?
the book opens by saying that except for the lead character of Sheridan, all others were historical personages, and their roles are as recorded in history. however, the story paints a black and white picture of nana as the villainous ogre and the british in the heroic mould. even when brigadier Neill is looked down upon, it is not for the extreme cruelty of his revenge, but for his delay in coming to the aid of the siege at cawnpore.
the text of course ignores much postcolonial work; for a more nuanced view, see works such as Saul David's The Indian Mutiny: 1857 or Rudrangshu Mukherjee's Spectre of violence.
"Massacre at cawnpore" is strongly associated with the theory of the treacherous nana, who had planned the massacre and lined the shore with cannon intending to blow up the british boats. However, there is little evidence that the massacre was well-planned; the first bullets may have indeed been fired by britishers from the boats, who were taken by surprise when the boatmen jumped off. This resulted in reciprocatory firing from the sepoys lining the shore. In one of three versions of the narrative by a survivor, Mowbray Thomson, we find him saying:
at a signal from the shore, the native boatmen, who numbered eight and a coxswain to each boat, all jumped over and waded to the shore. We fired into them immediately, but the majority of them escaped... (cited in Spectre of violence p.96) there is no talk of any "firing" prior to this. The written records of the survivors often changed dramatically with the years, and new versions seemed to incorporate gory details that had first appeared in other non first-person narratives. certainly there is little in the native testimony to point to any planning behind the deaths of the Britishers, certainly no record for Nana's personal complicity in the events. among the many legends repeated here is the story of wheeler's daughter amelia (p.207) and her gun which is clearly completely imagined. the "history" is cliched, and even the storytelling is far from gripping. Vivian Stuart (1914-1986) was born in Rangoon and spent her childhood in colonial India. She wrote a large number of Mills & Boon and other romances and two series of historical novels nder the names V.A. Stuart and William Stuart of cawnpore areas, 1857
Based on subsequently published accounts by survivors of the siege of the Cawnpore entrenchments, everything recounted in this novel actually happened. The only fictitious characters are Alex Sheridan and his wife Emmy; all others mentioned — with the sole exception of Lucy Chalmers — are called by their correct names, and their actions are on historical record although, of course, their conversations with the fictitious characters are imagined. By mid-afternoon on Friday, 5th June, 1857, the last of the sepoy corps to join in the mutiny of the Cawnpore Brigade — the 56th Bengal Native Infantry — formed up in readiness to follow the rest of the brigade on the long march to Delhi. In their scarlet tunics and white crossbelts, with muskets shouldered and shakoed heads held high, they looked the picture of a well-disciplined corps as they marched, four abreast, out of Cawnpore, the cheers of an excited crowd from the native city ringing in their ears. ... field guns and ammunition tumbrils which the mutineers had seized [from the magazine] and which, harnessed to bullock teams and elephants, were now heading towards Kalianpore... on the first stage of their 270 mile journey.Offer of safe passage
"A Eurasian woman, a Mrs Henry Jacobi, sir, has brought this letter from the Nana. She says that he is offering his terms, sir." Addressed not to him, but to "The Subjects of Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria," the message ran: "All those who are in no way connected with the acts of Lord Dalhousie* and are willing to lay down their arms, shall receive a safe passage to Allahabad." 153 "Send Mrs Jacobi back to the Nana with the letter, if you please, Captain Moore. Provided that he signs it, we will receive his representatives to negotiate conditions for our evacuation. Then call a conference of senior officers to decide what conditions we can accept and have them put in writing. The Nana will have to agree to them also." 155Evacuation from Wheeler's Entrenchment
By dawn on Saturday, 27th June, as a procession of bullock carts and palanquins came towards them across the sandy plain, the survivors of the Cawnpore garrison were ready to evacuate their entrenchment. 166 The Nana Sahib had kept his word, they told each other, he had sent eighty palanquins and doolies; the boats were waiting to take them to Allahabad and soon, very soon, their long ordeal would be over. A few, observing that the Nana had sent his own elephant, with a gold-encrusted howdah, for General Wheeler's conveyance to the river, called down blessings on their enemy's head.Well-planned treachery
The Nana Sahib had, however, made other preparations for their reception at the riverside. All night, while an army of coolies had toiled to roof the waiting boats with fresh thatch, another and larger army of sepoys and golandazes had been busy at the Suttee Chowra Ghat under the direction of the Nana's elder brother, Bala Bhat, his two commanders, Teeka Singh and Tantia Topi, and Azimullah Khan, his young Moslem vakeel. They had worked without fear of discovery, for the ghat — an open, dusty landing place at the river's edge, a hundred and fifty feet long and about a hundred feet in width—lay nearly two miles east of the entrenchment, well screened by groves of neem and pipal trees. The road, skirting the New Cantonment and the Artillery Bazaar, approached it across a wooden bridge which spanned a wide ravine, with high ground on either side as it descended to the ghat . . . barren, rocky ground, dotted with prickly pear and offering no cover for fugitives until the tree-line was reached. A small white, stone-built temple — Hundeen's — stood on a mound overlooking the moored boats and here divans and cushions had been arranged, to enable the Nana Sahib and his commanders to watch the embarkation in some degree of comfort. As yet, it was empty but beyond it, in the ruins of a house once occupied by a merchant named Christie, a gun had been placed, so as to command the whole line of boats, which had been hauled into shallow water, their keels almost touching the sandy river bottom. 167 A second gun—prudently withdrawn during the British officers’ inspection of the landing place the previous evening—was once more in position a quarter of a mile down-river, in a temple known as Bhugwan Dass's after its builder. A third, a nine-pounder, was hauled on to the Koila Ghat, eight hundred yards below the Temple of Bhugwan Dass and, distributed between them and hiding amongst buildings and trees, Tantia Topi had positioned a strong force of infantry, armed with muskets. Four hundred yards across the river, on the Lucknow shore, a battery of bullock-drawn, six-pounder guns unlimbered and waited, the gunners joined in their vigil by a regiment of irregular cavalry and by the 17th Native Infantry, newly arrived from Azimghur, where they had mutinied early in June. The first ten boats were loaded—overloaded, Alex decided, studying them anxiously—their keels resting perilously close to the sandy bottom, which meant that they would have to be manhandled into deeper water. At the previous night's conference, it had been decided that no boat should move off until all were embarked and that no particular order should be observed in loading, save that each must carry a complement of armed men for protection during the voyage down-river. Edward Vibart was to command the leading boat and give the signal to cast off, when all were to make for the Oudh shore with all possible speed. ... the rissaldar shouted something he could not catch and, as if this had been the signal for which they had been waiting, the boatmen dropped their oars and dived into the water. They had barely reached the ghat when the first shot rang out and turning, in swift alarm,Alex saw that every boat in the long line had been deserted by its crew. He saw also, with a sinking heart, that there were sepoys behind each rock and bush on the slope above them. More appeared among the ruins of a deserted village on the edge of the ravine, and the rearguard posted at the bridge were running down the steep slope, their muskets no longer levelled at the mob from the bazaar but at those they had purported to protect . . . Above the frightened cries of the women and a ragged volley from the men in the boats—aimed, for the most part, at their fleeing crews—a bugle shrilled, loud and clear, from the small white temple overlooking the landing stage, in which the Nana and his staff were seated. A savage hail of canister and flaming carcasses descended on the helpless line of moored boats. Several of the straw-thatched awnings were already on fire and that covering Vibart's boat was set alight by one of the carcasses; tinder dry, it blazed up, filling the boat with a cloud of thick, suffocating smoke. [Rajah Drigbiji Singh helps four of the boat officers at his fort at Moorar Mhow. also spelled Dirigbijah Singh - Trevelyan] Three times during their month-long stay at Moorar Mhow, messengers came from the Nana demanding the surrender of their persons, but Drigbiji Singh sent them back empty-handed. On 29th July when they had recovered and he considered the roads safe, the Rajah sent them under escort across the river and meeting a patrol of the 84th Foot after travelling some nine or ten miles, they marched to Cawnpore on 31st July.] 203the identity of drigbiji singh?
[most likely: Hon. HH Maharaja Bahadur Sir DIGVIJAY SINGH 1836/1882, born 1818, conspicuous for his loyalty to the British authorities during the Indian Mutiny in 1857, as a reward for his loyalty, large estates in Gonda and Bahraich were made over to him, he was awarded the K.C.S.I. in 1866 and granted the title of Maharaja Bahadur in October 1859, he also received a personal salute of 9 guns in 1877; he established a High School and a Hospital at Balrampur, and another Hospital at Lucknow called the Balrampur Hospital; Member of the Governor General's Legislative Council; President of the British Indian Association 1861/1882, married HH Maharani Indra Kunwar (see below), and had issue by Imam Bandi, born shortly before 1831, a muslim lady in a secondary union. He died 27th May 1882. - facebook however, the Balrampur district is 250km to the north of the ganga, well N of Ayodhya / Faizabad - bordering nepal near Bahraich. could this be some other digbijay singh? ] Amelia, proud daughter of a sepoy general, took out the pistol her father had given her, days before, in the entrenchment. She had not been able to put it to the purpose for which her father had intended it—her mother and sister had been butchered in their boat—but now she snatched the weapon from the bosom of her dress. It contained six shots, her father had said; she used five of them on her tormentors and the sixth, as her father had told her she must, she reserved for herself, her hand quite steady as she depressed the trigger. 207 "All know the Nana Sahib's command," Savur Khan reminded them. "It must be obeyed. None may be spared." Armed with tulwars and meat cleavers, the men followed him into the shadowed room . . . It was dark when they finally emerged and the heart-rending cries and shrieks, which had issued from behind the shuttered windows of the Bibigarh since they had entered it, faded at length into a deathly silence. 221 --- blurb 1857. With savage mutineers laying relentless siege to its very gates, the British garrison at Cawnpore holds on with little more than will. A ragged band of exhausted soldiers defending some 400 frightened women and hungry children in a crumbling outpost, they wait behind frail mud walls, under scorching sun, for the uncertain arrival of relief troops. In epic and meticulously authentic fashion, V.A. Stuart details this tragic story from the Indian Mutiny through the captive characters of Alex Sheridan, an officer in the East India Company's Bengal Light Cavalry, and his wife, Emmy. Intense and inspiring, it describes the heroism of a handful of British soldiers and civilians who confronted swarms of vengeful sepoys and all but hopeless odds.
amitabha mukerjee (mukerjee [at-symbol] gmail) 2013 Sep 12