Stewart, Ian;
What Shape is a Snowflake?
Orion Publishing Group, Limited, 2001, 224 pages
ISBN 0297607235, 9780297607236
topics: | math | chaos | shape | pattern
sixteen short chapters organized into three parts: Principles and Patterns, The Mathematical World, and Simplicity and Complexity. Includes “Order in Chaos”, a twenty-page précis of Does God Play Dice. Each chapter is in turn divided into 1–3 page segments, with text and extensively captioned color and line illustrations intermingled in a busy fashion. The result is that the story proceeds on two levels: in the main text and in the pictures and captions (like a Scientific American article). One-,two-, and three-dimensional patterns; crystal lattices; spots and stripes on animal coats; waves in sea, sand, and cloud; scales in animal size and music; seashell patterns; spirals of sunflower seeds, chemical reactions, and hurricanes; space-time footfall patterns of animal gaits (a topic that Stewart, Golubitsky, and Jim Collins have studied in detail); fractals, image compression, and seashells (again); chaos and cosmology follow in dizzying succession. A rich and wonderful series of snapshots is presented in an engaging manner, and we are told over and over that the patterns “are a consequence of simple mathematical rules” (caption, p. 125). Names are dropped (Turing’s reaction-diffusion systems, p. 164), but things move so fast that specific “rules” are rarely vouchsafed. The discussions of symmetry breaking on pages 152–5, of fractals on pages 158–63, of intrinsic geometry and the universe in Chapter 15, and the closing explanation of snowflake forms of Chapter 16 are notable exceptions, but the blur of images tends to obscure the main message: that fundamental mathematical principles (the symmetries of Euclidean space, for example) determine a catalog of what we expect to see, while physical laws and the mathematical models encoding them determine what we actually do see. Stewart stresses that mathematics helps us idealize and hence better understand the world, but this could have been a deeper and stronger book had he applied his considerable talents to explaining some elements of his own professional interests—normal form theory and bifurcation with symmetry—thereby revealing more of the “underlying mathematics.” Not only does the mathematics remain largely implicit, but many of the images that appear in the illustrations are incompletely identified, although some are acknowledged. For example, Constable’s painting The White Horse (now in the Frick Collection, New York), which is reproduced unnamed on page 101 in connection with a discussion on mathematics and beauty, is mysteriously credited to “Geoffrey Clements”. - Ian Stewart is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick, and has written articles for Nature, New Scientist, Scientific American and many other periodicals. He is the author of Does God Play Dice? (1990), Fearful Symmetry (1992), The Magical Maze (1997), Life's Other Secret (1998) and Nature's Numbers (1995), which was shortlisted for the 1996 Rhone-Poulenc Science Book Prize. In 1995 he was awarded the MIchael Faraday Medal by the Royal Society for the year's most significant contribution to the public understanding of science.