Schwartz, Steven H.;
Visual Perception: A Clinical Orientation, Fourth Edition
McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech, 4th edn, 2009, 488 pages
ISBN 0071604618, 9780071604611
topics: | vision | biology | optometry |
The human visual system operates over a remarkably broad range of light levels (Table 3–1). At one extreme, we are able to detect a star on a dark, moonless night, while at the other, we can see a jet flying in the bright midday sky. This constitutes an adaptational range on the order of 10 log units (Boynton, 1979). [10 x] [the pupil changing in size from 3mm to 9mm only increases the light input by 9x, so] changes in pupillary area account for only a small portion of adaptation, approximately 1 log unit out of the 10-log-unit range. Visible light intensities (candelas / m2): p.26 Tissue can get damaged: sun: 1010 [intensity > 107 can damage tissue] photopic vision (10² to 10⁶) : optial acuity ~ 10³ 100W filament: 10⁶ paper under sunlight: 10⁵ this book page under indoor lighting : 10² mesopic vision (10^-2 to 10): moonlit paper: 10^-1 scotopic vision : starlit paper: 10^-3 threshold light: 10^-6 1 candela = 1 lumen/steradian [energy / solid angle] illuminance: lumens per square meter (lux) [or lumens/sq-ft = foot-candle]
Photoreceptors are specialized sensory receptors containing a photosensitive pigment that absorbs light quanta, converting this radiant energy into electrical activity. This is the first step in vision. Both rods and cones are slightly depolarized relative to a typical neuron. Rather than manifesting a resting membrane potential of -70 mV, the potential is approximately -50 mV. When exposed to light, photoreceptors hyperpolarize—their potential goes from -50 mV to a value closer to -70 mV (Tomita, 1970). You may find this surprising because stimulation is typically thought to cause depolarization rather than hyperpolarization. The degree of photoreceptor hyperpolarization is related to the intensity of the stimulus, with an intense stimulus causing greater hyperpolarization than a less intense stimulus. This is one reason that the potentials produced by photoreceptors are referred to as graded potentials. A summary of the steps that lead to the hyperpolarization of a rod are outlined in Fig. 12–9 (Lamb, 1986; Pugh and Cobbs, 1986; Stryer, 1986). In the dark, sodium ions (Na ) flow into the rod outer segment through pores (channels)—the so-calledScanning electron image of rods (larger segments) and cones (smaller) in the tiger salamander. In humans, the rod and cone outer segments are more similar in size. p.28
The photopigment rhodopsin is contained within the discs of the rod's outer segment.2 A disc contains approximately 10,000 molecules of rhodopsin. Because each rod has approximately 1000 discs and an eye contains 120 million rods, there are approximately 1015 molecules of rhodopsin per eye (Boynton, 1979). Each molecule of rhodopsin is capable of absorbing one photon of light, and the absorption of one photon is sufficient to activate a rod. The large number of rhodopsin molecules provides the eye with a tremendous ability to capture light and contributes to our exquisite sensitivity under nighttime lighting conditions. A molecule of rhodopsin becomes bleached (i.e., transparent) when it absorbs light. The absorption of only one quantum of light is required to bleach a molecule of rhodopsin (Hecht et al., 1942).... The half-life for rhodopsin regeneration is 5 minutes. the rhodopsin absorption spectrum shows the probability of absorption (indicated as relative absorption on the ordinate) as a function of wavelength, in more detail (Fig. 3–4C). Quanta of 507 nm have the highest probability of absorption. This is due to quantum mechanics: the rhodopsin molecule and a quantum of 507 nm "fit together" well, thus increasing the probability of absorption. Other wavelengths are absorbed, but with less probability. e.g. one may assume that the rhodopsin absorption curve gives a probability of 0.20 that a quantum of 507 nm will be absorbed and a probability of 0.10 that a quantum of 680 nm will be absorbed. Once a quantum of light is absorbed, all information regarding its wavelength is lost, a principle referred to as univariance. One may dark-adapt an individual by asking him or her to sit in a dark room for 45 minutes, thereby maximizing the regeneration of the rhodopsin. Subsequently, the minimum amount of energy required for the person to detect stimuli of various wavelengths is determined. The minimum amount of energy required for detection of a stimulus is referred to as the threshold for that stimulus.
In a typical human eye, there are three fundamental cone photopigments, cyanolabe, chlorolabe, and erythrolabe, which show maximal absorption at approximately 426, 530, and 557 nm, respectively (Fig. 3–6A).4 Each cone contains only one photopigment. p.33 It is common to speak of three different classes of cones, each containing a different photopigment. The cyanolabe-containing cones are referred to as short wavelength-sensitive cones (SWS- or S-cones), the chlorolabe-containing cones as middle wavelength-sensitive cones (MWS- or M-cones), and the cones containing erythrolabe as long wavelength-sensitive cones (LWS- or L-cones). The cone photopigments recover from bleaching at a faster rate than does rhodopsin. It takes 1.5 minutes for 50% of cones to regenerate their photopigment. Stages that lead to rod hyperpolarization: 11-cis retinal ---[photon]--> 11-trans retinal --> activates Transducin (a protein) --> activates Phosphodiesterase (PDE)(a protein) --> Breaks up cGMP into GMP --> Na+ pores close --> Rod hyperpolarizes
As lighting conditions change from scotopic to photopic, the wavelength to which we are most sensitive increases from 507 to 555 nm. This is the basis for the Purkinje shift, the relative increase in the brightness of longer wavelength stimuli as lighting conditions change from scotopic to photopic.
The human retina contains approximately 120 million rods and 6 million cones. As illustrated in Fig. 3–8, rods are most densely packed at approximately 20 degrees from the fovea, where they reach a peak density of approximately 150,000 rods/mm2. There are no rods in the fovea, which results in the inability to see a small, dim object, such as a star, when it is foveally fixated under scotopic conditions. Looking slightly to the side of a faint star, causing its image to fall outside of the fovea onto the surrounding rods, increases its visibility. Whereas the number of retinal cones may remain stable as the eye ages, the number of rods decreases (Curcio et al., 2000). p.37 Unlike rods, M- and L-cones are most concentrated in the foveal center, where their density ranges from approximately 115,000 to 225,000 cones/mm2 (Putnam et al., 2005). Although the density of cones is substantially reduced outside the fovea, they are present throughout the retina. About only 5% of the total number of retinal cones are located in the fovea. A similar percentage of retinal ganglion cells are located in the fovea (Azzopardi and Cowey, 1996). The ratio of L- to M-cones varies from person to person and has been found to range from 1:1 to 16:1 in individuals with normal trichromatic vision (Roorda and Williams, 1999; Hofer et al., 2005). S-cones show a different retinal distribution than other cones (Calkins, 2001). Not only are they considerably less numerous than either M- or L-cones, constituting approximately 5% to 10% of the cone population, they are not found in the central 0.3 to 0.4 degrees of the human fovea (Curcio et al., 1991; Roorda et al. 2001). Peak density, approximately 2000 cells/mm2 is at approximately 0.5 degrees from the foveal center. The high density of cones in the human fovea provides the basis for excellent visual acuity and much of the richness of our visual experiences. Occupying only a small percentage of the area of the retina (0.01%), the fovea encodes a disproportionately large amount of information (Azzopardi and Cowey, 1993).
When you step outside on a sunny day, the amount of light reflected into your eye and focused onto your retina increases by a factor of several thousand. In spite of this tremendous change in light levels, the appearance of objects remains the same (e.g., your classmate's hair appears black whether viewed indoors or outdoors on a sunny day). Within a very brief period—so fleeting that you are unaware of it—your visual system adapts to the changes in illumination levels, a process referred to as light adaptation. Within very dark light ranges, there is no change in adaptation... The background is practically black, and internal neural noise produces as much socalled dark light as does the background itself11 (Barlow, 1956; Fechner, 1860). For very dim light, sensitivity reflects quantal fluctuations in the background (DeVries, 1943; Rose, 1948). The background is so dim that fluctuations inherent in the light source that produces it play a primary role in determining threshold. This is frequently expressed as the DeVries–Rose law, which predicts that Delta-I is equal to (IB)1/2. The third section, which covers a 4-log-unit range, has a slope of approximately 1, revealing that Weber's law12 is followed (Aguilar and Stiles, 1954; Barlow, 1965; Walraven and Valeton, 1984). As the background brightness is increased, the increment intensity must be increased such that the ratio of the increment intensity (Delta-I) to the background intensity (IB) remains constant. This constant ratio, Delta-I/IB, is referred to as Weber's fraction or Weber's constant. The Weber fraction for scotopic vision is approximately 0.14 (Cornsweet, 1970). If the background intensity is 100 units, the increment must have an intensity of 14 units (Delta-I = 14) to be detected. If the background is increased to 1000 units, the increment intensity must increase to 140 units (Delta-I = 140) to maintain a Weber fraction of 0.14 and thus remain visible. Although the relative sensitivity of the visual system (0.14) does not change as the illumination increases, there is a reduction in the absolute sensitivity (the threshold goes from 14 to 140 units). This tradeoff between relative and absolute sensitivity is referred to as sensitivity regulation. While visual resolution and contrast sensitivity are much higher under photopic viewing, the ability to detect a stimulus is much superior under scotopic conditions. For a 500-nm stimulus to be detected under photopic conditions, it must be approximately 3 log units (1000 times) more intense than is required for detection under scotopic conditions. This is because of spatial summation of sotopic (rod) connections is much broader - so the ganglion cell see the summation of a much larger set - hundreds of rods - about 10 minutes of arc - than is the case for cone cells.layered structure in the primate retina --- author Steven H. Schwartz, O.D., Ph.D. studied optics at the School of Optometry, University of California, Berkeley and has taught optics in both the basic curriculum and special Board review courses. He has co-chaired the Examination Development Commission, National Board of Examiners in Optometry. Dr. Schwartz presently teaches at the SUNY State College of Optometry.
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