Raghavan, V.;
Prayers, praises and psalms: selections from the Vedas, Upanishads, Epics, Gita, Puranas, Agamas, Tantras, Kavyas & the writings of the Acharyas and others
G. A. Natesan, 1938, 520 pages
topics: | hinduism | india | philosophy |
There is scarcely any Hindu, man or woman, young or old, who does not recite every day some prayer or other. The young used to imbibe select Stotras from their parents while yet on their parents' knees, even as they did epic legends or folk-songs. - V. Raghavan, Translator's note p. v growing up as a child in a bengali household, my mother used to chant mantras from a book similar to this, where the mantras were written in bangla script, with brief expositions in english. this selection, nearly a century old now, serves a similar devotional purpose. it is from the 1930s, when the publisher g natesan requested the emininent scholar v. raghavan to make a selection of mantras, with suitable translations. unlike the typical book of devotional chants, the sources are more widely varied here, and include manuscripts that were not published at the time. also, the texts, i feel, are more likely to be critically vetted than the more popular works. the translations are adequate, but the language is a bit flowery in places, as was the norm in indian english of the time. i wish dr. raghavan had included a more detailed treatment with the literal anvayas and glosses, but the book is fat enough as it is now! sadly, the book is out-of-print today; it merits being seen by a wider range of modern readers.
madhu vAtA r.tAyate madhu kSharanti sindhavaH madhvIrnaH santvoShadhIH || madhu naktamutoShaso madhu-mat-pArthiva rajaH madhu-dhaurastu naH pitA || madhumAnno vanaspatiH madhumAn-astu suryaH mAdhvIrgAvo bhavantu naH|| Rigveda I. 90. 6-8.Sweet do the winds become unto him who desires to abide by the moral law; sweet do the streams flow for him ; even so, may the herbs be sweet unto us ; may night be sweet and dawn also sweet unto us, may the region of earth be sweet and also heaven, our father; may the sylvan god be sweet unto us; may the sun be sweet and sweet may our kine become.
tat-savitur varenyaM bhargo devasya dhImahi dhiyo yo naH prachodayAt || Rigveda III. 62. 10. तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो॑ देवस्य धीमहि धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥ we meditate upon that adorable effulgence of the resplendent vivifier, Savitar; may he stimulate our intellects. [the name "gAyatri" refers to its meter. gAyatri = 8-syllable meter of sanskrit verse. there are gAyatri mantras for ganesha, shiva, durga, viShnu, lakShmI, and so on. this is the oldest, and it is addressed to savitri the sun. in chanting, it is often preceded by the prefatory line (vyAhriti) om bhur bhuvah svah [bhur=earth; bhuvah = sky; svah = space; may be interpreted here as "the light that shines on earth, sky and space"] A word-by-word gloss (from sanskrit.org): tat : that (God) savitur : of the sun [savitri = sun; more associated w dawn and dusk] vareNyam : the best bhargo : light, illumination [root: bhargas] devasya : divine dhImahi : let us meditate (verb) dhiyo : thought(s) [root: dhiyah] yo (yah) : which nah : of us, our pracodayAt : May it push, inspire (verb)
saM gachchhadhvaM saM chadadhvaM saM vo manAM-si jAnatAm | devA bhAgaM yathA purve saMjAnAnA upAsate || samAno mantras-samitis-samAnI samAnaM manas-saha chittameShAm || samAnaM mantramabhi mantraye vaH samAnena vo haviShA juhomi || samAnI va AkutiH samAnA hridayAni vaH | samAnamastu vo mano yathA vassushAsati || Rigveda X. 191. 2-4 (p.12) Come together, speak in harmony, and may your minds see alike, even as the gods of yore, in agreement, took their offerings. Uniform be your deliberation and uniform be the result you achieve; uniform your mind and umform your thought. A common prayer do I utter forth for you and a common oblation do I offer for you. Same be your intention, same be your hearts; same may your minds be so that there might be complete unison amongst you.![]()
It is generally held that the Rigveda is the earliest of the Vedas, but there are portions of it later than the other Vedas. The 'Khilas' are supplementary hymns of the Rigveda and from these we have selected the Sri Sukta. The Vedic ltterature is dated variously by modern scholars but it can be said that it cannot be later than 1500 BC. Of the Upanishads, about a dozen are major, and on these have the Acharyas built their differing systems of philosophy. In the Vedic hymns, we find a number of deities, some representing forces of Nature, some abstract conceptions - praised and prayed to. Slowly the idea of all the gods being but several names of the one God dawns even in the hymns. In the Upanishads is proclaimed the one All-comprehending Truth, the Absolute. p.419
The RAmAyaNa of Valmiki is the first long poem in Sanskrit and is, therefore, called the Adikavya. It is classed, along with the Mahabharata, as an Itihasa, epic. Besides passages describing Rama's qualities, a praise of Rama as God Narayana and the famous hymn on the Sun named Adityahridaya are also presented here from the RAmAyaNa. It is possible the version of the epic we have now is a revised one, but scholars accept that the original RAmAyaNa was there already in the 3rd century B C.
This is a comparatively modern version of the RAmAyaNa with the story subordinated to devotional and philosophical teachings. It is assigned to the Brahmanda Purana. The Calcutta Oriental Series (No. XI) includes a good edition of this text with a commentary.
This is a philosophica1 poem of great length in which sage Vasishtha teaches prince Rama, who feeis world-weariness, the philosophy of Advaita. The book is variously called and is sometimes styled MaharAmAyaNa. It is available also in abridged versions and has been commented upon by many. With Anandabodha's gloss, it is available in an edition of the Nunaya Sagar Press. Some place it between the fifth century and the seventh while others bring down its date to the 10th century.
Of versions of the RAmAyaNa in the local languages, the Tamil Kamba RAmAyaNa and the Ramacharitamanasa in Eastern Hindi by Tulasidas have the greatest sway over the masses by their devotional appeal. Tulasidas, 1532-1623, belonged to the Ramanandi sect of Rama-worshippers. He was a Smartha Brahmin born in the Banda district, south of the Jumna. He began the Ramacharitamanasa at Ayodhya in 1574 and finished it at Benares about 1584. Though written in Hindi, it has prayers here and there composed in Sanskrit, some of which are selected here. For an account of Tulasidas and his life and teachings, see G. A. Natesan & Co's publication "Ramanand to Ramtirath".
foreword translator's note an appreciation publisher's note
rigveda 1 rigveda khila 13 krishnayajurveda samhita 14 krishnayajurveda taittiriyaranyaka 16 sukla-yajurveda samhita 24 atharvaveda 25
isavasya 33 kena and chandogya 34 prasna 34 taittiriya 35 brihadaranyaka 36 svetasvatara 36 maitrayani 38 devi 38 ganapati 40 gopalapurvatapani 42 sarasvatirahasya 44 ramottaratapani 46 rudrahridaya 47
valmiki rAmAyaNa 50 praise of rama's character 50 kaikeyi's praise of rama 55 tara's praise of rama 56 aditya hridaya 62 adhyAtmarAmAyaNa 70 vasishtha rAmAyaNa (yogavasishta) 73 ramacharitamanasa (tulasidas) 76 parayanakrama (valmiki rAmAyaNa) 79
draupadi's stotra (sabhaparva) 86 draupadi's stotra (vanaparva) 90 dhritarashtra's stotra (udyogaparva} 92 bhisma's stotra (santiparva) 94 bhishma's stavaraja (santiparva) 96 daksha's prayer (sautiparva) 103
arjuna's visvarupa stuti 108
kunti's stotra 118 bhishma's stotra 120 suka's stotra 122 dhruva's stotra 124 vritra's stotra 128 prahlada's stotra 130 gajendra's stotra 138 brahma's stotra 138 rantideva's stotra 140 devaki's stotra 141 akrura's stotra 142 muchukunda's stotra 144
vishnupurana (on lakshmi) 145 vishnupurana (on sun) 146 markandeyapurana (on dev1) 148 brahmapurana (on vishnu) 150 padmapurana (on vishnu) 152 kurmapurana (on siva) 154 varahapurana (on dharma) 156 sambapurana (on sun) 158 brahmavaivartapurana (on sarasvati) 160 skanda-sutasamhita (on siva) 162 devibhAgavata (on devi) 160, 164, 174 naradiyapurana (on vishnu) 164 naradiyapurana (on siva) 166 vishnudharmottara (on vishnu) 172 brihannaradiyapurana (on the supreme being) 174 ganesapurana (on ganesa) 175 garudapurana (on vishnu) 176 vamanapurana (on vishnu) 178 narasimhapurana (on vishnu) 179
mahAnirvANa-tantra 181 pancharAtra 183, 188 ahirbudhnyasamhita 184 kumAra-tantra 185 tripurA-rahasya 186 isvara-saMhitA 188 brahma-saMhitA 189 prapanchasAra-tantra l89 kulachuDamaNi-tantra 190 mAtrika-bheda-tantra 191 kAli-vilAsa-tantra 192.
raghuvamsa 193 sakuntala 198 vikramorvasiya 199 malavikagnimitra 201
kiratarjuniya 202
sisupalavadha 204
subhashitatrisati 206
suryasataka 207
harshacharita 207
vasavadatta 208
mahAvira-charita 208 mAlati-mAdhava 209
prabodhachandrodaya 210
naishadhiyacharita 210 vaidya gadAdhara 214 bhavAnanda 215
sivAnandalahari 216 Anandalahari 218 saundaryalahari 218 sivabhujanga stotra 219 subrahmanyabhujanga stotra ... 220 ramabhujanga stotra 221 devibhujanga stotra 221 devyaparadhakshamapana stotra 222 dasasloki stotra 224 sivaparadhakshamapana stotra 224 annapurna-ashtaka 225 tripurasundari vedapada stotra 225 lakshminrisimha stotra 22b kanakadhara stava 227 vagisvari stotra 227 shatpadi stoka 227 mohamudgara 230 sadacharanusandhana 232 prAtas-smaraNa stotra 2'12 kasipanchaka 232 dakshinamurti stotra 234
sivastotravali 235
brahmasutra bhashya 244
stotraratna 246
gadyatraya 252
atimanushastava 254
srigunaratnakosa 256
kshama-shodasi 258
nyasa-dasaka 260 bhustuti 262 varadaraja-panchasat 262 ashTabhUja-ashtaka 263 kAmasikha-ashtaka 263 achyuta-sataka 266 dayA-sataka 266
lakShmisahasra 268
madhurashtaka 272 gopijanavallabhashtaka, 272
vijnapti 274
srikrishnasaran-ashtaka 276 panchaksharamantragarbha stotra 276
dvadasa stotra 278
prarthanadasaka stotra 282 krishnastuti 284 haryashtaka 284
sikhshashtaka 286 jagannathashtaka 288 rupagosvamin praNAma-pranaya stava 289 kArpaNya-panjika stotra 290 govinda-birudavali 290
pushpadanta's mahimnasstava 292 malhana's stotra 294 bilhana's stotra 29() dandin's anamayastava 298 halayudha's stotra 300
saktimahimnas-stuti 302
charchastava 303 ghatastava 304 sakala-janani stava 306
aryasataka 308 padaravindasatalm 310 stutisataka 812 the mukundamala (kulasekhara) .. 314 krishnakarnamrita (lilasuka) 320 dinakrandana stotra (loshtadeva) 332 stutikusumanjali (jagaddhara) 336 kuvalayananda (appayya dikshita) 342 varadaraj astava (appayya dikshita) 344 atmarpana stuti (appayya dikshita) 346 manasollasa (appayya dikshita) 352 sivotkarshamanjari (nilakantha dikshita) 354 anandasagarastava (nilakantha dikshita) 356 karunalahari (jaganuatha) 360 dayasataka (ayyaval) 364 akhyashashti (ayyaval) 366 narayaniya (narayana bhatta) 369 kirtanas (sadasiva brahmendra) 370 navavarnamala (sadasiva brahmendra) 372 ramastavakarnarasayana (ramabhadra dikshita) 374 ramaprasadastava (ramabhadra dikshita) 376 visvagarbhastava (ramabhadra dikshita) 378 bhaktimanjari (h. h. svati tirunal) 380 avimuktatattva (balambhatta) 384
sri krishnashtaka 386 vanipanyavalambastava 388 nrisimhasaptaka 390 dakshinasyanakshatramala 392 matripada pankaja ashtaka 394 vivekananda (on ramakrishna) 396 bhairava stotra (abhinavagupta).. 398 sivastuti (ravana) 400 adyadi mahalakshmi hridaya . 402 pandava gita 404 bhagavaccharana stotra (brahmAnanda) 406 madhusudana stotra (sukadeva) 408 anonymous 410 notes on works & authors ... 417 index to works & authors... 461 index to deities 472 index to ideas 480
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