Mukhopadhyay, Sirshendu;
baksAr ratan [বক্সার রতন, boxer ratan]
Ananda Publishers, 2009, 102 pages
ISBN 8177567926, 9788177567922
topics: | fiction | bengali | children
Ananda Publishers, 2009, 102 pages![]()
a somewhat different story from sirshendu - the characterization is not so sure-footed - even the elderly pishimA haimavatI, normally a sirshendu pet, is left alone as he goes after the main lines of the plot.
instead of a colourful cast, it is the adventure plot that takes center stage here. the heroes win by the skin of their teeth; and for a change, no miracles either.
boxer ratan is an amazing boxer. though his weight class is not given, he manages to become the indian champion, keep alive against an international champion, and even put down a huge monstrous "dAnab", well-trained in karate to boot.
the plot involves his mad father, who was a scientist once. two foreigners suddenly befriend him, and at the same time a huge international gang kidnaps his father.
ratan's newfound friend, Joe: তোমাদের ইংরিজি ভাষার প্রতি একটা হ্যাংলামি আছে tomAder iMriji bhAShAr prati ekTA hyAMlAmi Achhe p.24 you indians have this lust for english. [hyAMlAmi = greed, but i think lust may be closer] খেযেছেন? রাজশাহির রাঘবসাই । ঢাকার বাখরখানি? ৩১ kheyechhen? rAjshAhir rAghabsAi | DhAkAr bAkharkhAni? 31 রসগোল্লা আবার একটা খাবার ! জিনিস হল চাপড়ঘন্ট ৯৭ [what is chApaR-ghaNTa?]