Jackendoff, Ray;
Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution
Oxford University Press, 2002, 506 pages [gbook]
ISBN 0198270127, 9780198270126
topics: | linguistics | cognitive | semantics | chomsky
This is Jackendoff's attempt to bridge the chasm between the Chomskyan view of language and the host of cognitive evidence that runs counter to key assumptions such as nativity and compartmentalization of syntax. This mounting body of evidence led Chomsky to remark sarcastically in 2000: there is a ton of empirical evidence to support the opposite conclusion on every single point that I mentioned. Furthermore, the core assumption of highly productive recent work - and its pretty impressive achievements- is that everything I said is wrong... - Noam Chomsky, Architecture of Language, 2006, p.23 Here Jackendoff, who worked with Chomsky in the divisive 1960s but has now diverged himself, tries to save those aspects of the generative grammar enterprise that were valuable, while sacrificing philosophical underpinnings such as syntactocentrism. This task is formulated in terms of three questions he spells out in a later precis on BBS, and also in the later book Language, Consciousness, Culture(2007): - What was right about generative grammar in the 1960s, that it held out such promise? - What was wrong about it, such that it didn’t fulfill its promise? - How can we fix it, so as to restore its value to the other cognitive sciences? Two of the ways in which the Chomskyan model revolutionized linguistics are elaborated in chapters 2 (Mentalism) and 3 (Combinatoriality). Mentalism is described in "the remarkable first chapter of Noam Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965)" (p.19) and brings in focus the user's mind (instead of its usage as among people). This MENTALIST position in some senses gave rise to the cognitive view of language. Jackendoff rightly points out however, that in the Chomskyan view, this mentalist model was implemented in terms of a distinction between competence (what the lg-user knows), and performance (what she actually says) - and the focus was on competence, which was to be judged in terms of the "ideal speaker-listener" (Chomsky, 1965, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax, p.3-4). In practice, this meant that actual utterances of users were to be ignored for three decades in order to explain some constructs made up by the linguist. This was eventually overthrown with the emergence of corpus linguistics in the late 90s.
Chapter 4 deals with an overview of Universal Grammar and its challenges. After an insightful overview of the evolution of generative grammar, that is, the various theories introduced and defended (sometimes quite rudely) by Chomsky. Part of its emphasis was the focus on explaining language ACQUISITION. But here the model perhaps runs aground on the Poverty of Stimulus argument (which said that there isn't enough data a child can learn grammar by, hence grammar in some form is built-in). But this is a problem only given the autonomous syntax view, where the child is hearing string after string, all completely devoid of any connection to real world scenes and events, and then one is surprised that she manages to gain a competence in constructing new sentences. However, if we throw away the assumption of syntactical dominance (as Jackendoff does, calling "syntactocentricism" an "important mistake") it may turn out that semantics holds some of the cues to syntax. While taking a pro-semantics view in general, Jackendoff however, does not propose that the learning (or natively having) some semantics may in some way make it easier to propose a solution of the syntactic dilemma; in fact, he sticks to the PoS argument, noting how children are able to disambiguate among the many possible grammars and induce a structure that would explain (generate) the correct sentences in her target language. In contrast, Jackendoff wryly notes, the legion of trained linguists aworking for decades, with tools and knowledge far sophisticated than the infant, have not been able to come up with the grammar of even one language.
While discussing Universal grammar, Jackendoff also talks about the duels between UG and the rest of the field. The description of these duels is quite interesting - at the time, Jackendoff was one of Chomsky's students, and he puts in an apology of sorts by stating that he was party to the "rude behaviour displayed by both sides" (p. 74). The debate referred to included spasms of great vituperation by Chomsky, who was by then a leading statesman in linguistics. The same arrogance informs his earlier attack on Skinner, and also his debate with Piaget. For example, in a 1973 repudiation tirade against Lakoff, Chomsky talks down to Lakoff in the tone of a chiding schoolmarm - at one point, Lakoff's statement is "completely wrong", at another his "confusion is complete" - and finally, Lakoff seems to have virtually no comprehension of the work he is discussing. This sort of arrogant language, surely could have been avoided by a senior spokesman for the field. Intellectually, Jackendoff traces how the division came about, primarily because of the hope, after Chomsky's "Standard Theory" of Aspects, 1965, that what he had named "deep structure" would become, in essence, a model of semantics. This view was carried forward by Fillmore ("case grammar"), Lakoff and Postal ("Generative Semantics") and others who proposed increasingly elaborate (and ultimately futile) sets of rules and derivations for including semantics. That Chomsky might have thought of Deep structure as having links to semantics is revealed in J's extensive quotations from C, e.g. (footnote p. 73): In place of the terms "deep structure" and "surface structure", one might use the corresponding Humboldtian notions "inner form" and "outer form" of a sentence... The terms "depth grammar" are familiar in modern philosophy and something roughly like the sende here intended (cf. Wittgenstein's distinction of 'Tiefengrammatik' and 'Oberflaechengrammatik', 1953, p. 168) [Chomsky 1965, 198-9] The deep structure that expresses meaning is common to all lgs, so is claimed by the Port-Royal grammarians), being a simplre reflections of the forms of thought. [Chomsky 1966, p.35] For more on Humboldt and "inner form", see Seuren's Western Linguistics: An Historical Introduction, where "inner form" in Humboldt is seen to include "at least both" the grammar or syntactical rules and the semantics or logical form.
However, Chomsky repudiated the moves to interpret deep structure as semantics. In a move that could be viewed as an attempt to spite his opponents, he diluted the "Deep" in "Deep Structure" b replacing it with "D-structure", and in his next theory, Government and Binding Theory, he moved Semantics (now called "Logical Form") to a much later stage in the process.Chomsky's Syntactic Structures of 1965 revolutionized the study of language by holding out the promise that it might be possible to construct rule structures that would explain the working of language at both the surface (usually understood to be syntactic forms) as well as "deeper" levels (a topic of misunderstanding deep divisions in linguistics). His Government and Binding theory (1981) however, was a letdown, and took the wind out of the semantic sail by claiming that "Deep Structure", now renamed "D-structure" was just a level of syntax. By the time of the Minimalist Program of 1995, many linguists had tired of it all, and the theory did not cause much of a stir (it is rejected by Jackendoff here). In general, over time, there appears to be a steady reduction of the transformational components [rules] and an expansion of the Lexicon along lines proposed by then in several other grammars (e.g. HPSG). The link to semantics remains nebulous and un-worked out at each step. (image from http://www.bbsonline.org/Preprints/Jackendoff-07252002/Referees/index_files/figure1.jpg) In the process, there was widespread disillusionment among those who had flocked to Generative Grammar hoping to get some insights into meaning (see for instance the heartfelt discussion of this episode in Ch.1 of Robin Lakoff's The language war). [AM: While the association of "apple" with the fruit is arbitrary, is the term "Deep structure" also completely arbitrary (idiomatic) or is its semantics derived by composing the semantics of Deep with Structure? When smart people coin names, they try to choose something that would give a sense of its role. If so, in what sense was "Deep semantics" deep, esp. given Chomsky's other statements above? Jackendoff defends Chomsky by saying that in the earlier traditions, they thought of "DS" as meaning because, lacking formal logic, they had no idea of "deeper" layers of syntax. But the lay person encountering the term would also tend to associate something like meaning to it. "Chomsky chooses to interpret this practice, for better or worse, as an implicit version of his own theory of syntax." p. 73 But this does not hold water. If "Deep Structure" is a purely technical term, and has no relation to "deep" and "structure", then why call it so? Why not call it, say, "stapler" or "term137"? The same critique applies to other coinages by Chomsky, such as "the language organ" - which means something to the average user - something that is a separate part of the body, like the heart - yet it is a technical term within the theory - actually "the language faculty" (which is also non-neutral) which means that it is also interacting with the conceptual-intentional system (another technical term) and the sensory-motor system.]
As an alternative to the Syntactocentric view, Jackendoff proposes a parallel structure with three branches - Phonology, Syntax and Semantics, where each is an "autonomous" system [the meaning of this term is a bit unclear], served by its own grammatical structure, along with interfaces between them. This combined system comprises the language structure, in Jackendoff's view. These levels are well illustrated by Jackendoff's analysis of the sentence "The little star's beside the big star":"The little star's beside the big star": phonological and syntactic levels. In Jackendoff's model, each level is the result of an autonomous generative system.
The semantic level represent a set of predicates. But is this all the semantics the sentence has? This is a q. thrown up by cognitive semantics, that such logically formulated models of semantics cannot address. Finally, we have a "spatial model", which is how the stars may be perceived. Analog with vision: A tradition that Chomsky rarely cites is the gestalt psychology of the 1920s and 1930s (e.g. Wertheimer 1923; Koehler 1927; Koffka 1935), which argued for an innate basis for perception and learning. Nativist thinking remained influential in Europe much longer - e.g. in the work of Michotte 1954. p. 70-fn
Chapter 7 discusses some psychological links with the proposed theory. Among the phenomenon considered are lexical access in language perception (how a word is understood based on linking the phonological computation of guessed syllable/word boundaries etc (on the phonological blackboard), with the lexicon-lookup and syntactic computation. How does it distinguish surface-similar phonological structures (e.g. "a parent" vs "apparent")? These may be viewed as multiple bindings [like polysemy] competing with each other - - semantic promiscuity of lexical access - see expts by [Swinney 1979] and [Tanenhaus etal 1979] - survey in [Cutler/Clifton:1999] Describes WINNER-TAKE-ALL - but without using that phrase - "there comes a point when all the competing multiple analyses but one are extinguished, because of ill-formedness, contextual bias or other factors." Sometimes resolves multiple possibilities prematurely, as in (4) the horse raced past the barn fell. [But does not explain why it closes prematurely. No frequentist interpretations here.]
Hearing the word bug, in any context, briefly fires up other interpretations of bug - speeds up reaction times to both insect and spy ... But after this brief moment, only one meaning remains primed. Psychological reaction time / Priming expts: Bug and insect are related at the semantic level; yet the judgment on the lexical decision task exhibits is through the phonology of insect. Argues for [I am not sure I understand this] how this implies that priming is between long term memory (lexicon) and the phonology, and does not involve working memory (blackboard) at all. Thus four components of lexical access: a) Activation: call from phonological working memory to item's phonological structure in LT memory [/lexicon?] Can also be activated by priming - spreading activation from associated items in lexicon. b) Binding: LT memory items is fetched to working memory. Binding entails activation, but not vice versa. c) Integration: item from blackboard (WM) is combined with larger construction in progress. Claims that it is "integrated promiscuously" - i.e. all item-structure linkages are considered. However, promiscuity is limited to those items in WM, and not to other activated concepts (a,b). d) Resolution: the process by which multiple linkages are pared down. because it is ill-formed, or it is out-competed [J: inhibition is sent "up- or downstream to the associated structure at other levels. Produces a "maximally favorable" single structure at all levels. Each of these suprocesses is realized neurally. Thus they are not instantaneous, but have a time course -- a rise time, before max intensity is achieved, and this max intensity depends on the item. This is how reaction time in lexical decision tasks depends on word frequency [Oldfield and Wingfield 1965 ]
Rev Spooner: "Our queer old dean" for "Our dear old queen" Q. How do these errors occur? Possible answer - Lashley 1951: for the kw sound to be inserted, it must already be present in working memory, waiting its turn. Hence, language is not produced by chaining words, but there is some overall planning is occurring in advance. Victoria Fromley 1971: word transposition errors e.g. I'd hear that if I knew it --> I'd know it if I heard it here the verb inflections incl the irregular past tense of know are in place. Thus, the exch has taken place at the syntactic level.
Part III deals with Semantics and concepts. The chapter on Lexical Semantics (11) includes this interesting example of a graded meaning which combines two different parts (features) of a semantics. From p.353 concept = a set of conditions ; examples that satisfy fewer of the conditions are generally regarded as less typical. example from Fillmore 1982: 10 a. Bill climbed (up) the mountain b. Bill climbed down the mountain c. The snake climbed up the tree d.?* The snake climbed down the tree Climbing involves two independent conceptual conditions: i) moving upward, and ii) effortful grasping motions (clambering). Now, the most likely interpretn of (10a) satisfies both. 10b vilates (i) and 10c (ii) since snakes can't clamber. Yet both examples are accepted instances of "climbing". However, both conditions are violated in 10d which is no longer "climbing". Thus, neither of the two actions are nec, but either is suff. At the same time, 10a is judged to be more protypical. Also, climb is not ambiguous between the senses 'rise' and 'clamber'; 10a encodes both. Note: Cluster concepts as Gricean scalar implicature [ [maxim of quantity: `Don't say more or less than is required']. Gricean view of meaning (Scalar Implicature): meaning of a term is a (possibly very large) set of meanings. Is interpreted based on what other meanings are available. Thus, "or" may mean exclusive-or (the book is in the bedroom or the bathroom) but not always (e.g. `He is given to drinking, or is irresponsible, or both'); it's semantics includes both meanings, and is further refined by pragmatics. However, if someone says "p or q" it means that one is not in a position to say an available alternative, "p and q" - hence that you are not in a position to assert "and". Here the stronger sense "and", implies "or" (p^q -> p|q), but not vice versa. [Levinson on Pragmatics:]: Other pairs: < and, or>,, , , , . For each of these, asserting the weaker, less informative expression will implicate that the stronger expression does not apply, as in `Some of the students are punctual', which, other things being equal, will implicate `not all of the students are punctual'. similarly, "climb" is in contrast to "rise", "ascend" or "go up" in that it expresses a) voluntariness, and b) a difficulty in the task. This second meaning is part of the overall meaning, and the cluster concept merely makes it clear that it does not mean "rise" alone. Thus, climbing down is possible only on trees and mountains, perhaps not on staircases. The problem with logical models of semantics is that it does not consider these other entities in the symbol space.
You can read Jackendoff's own precis the Brains and Behavioural Sciences journal. Actually, this becomes the first chapter of his later book, Language, Consciousness, Culture(2007). Here are some excerpts: The remarkable first chapter of Noam Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965) set the agenda for everything that has happened in generative linguistics since. Three theoretical pillars support the enterprise: mentalism, combinatoriality, and acquisition. Mentalism. Before Aspects, the predominant view among linguists - if it was even discussed - was that language is something that exists either as an abstraction, or in texts, or in some sense "in the community" (the latter being the influential view of Saussure (1915), for example). Chomsky urged the view that the appropriate object of study is the linguistic system in the mind/brain of the individual speaker. According to this stance, a community has a common language by virtue of all speakers in the community having essentially the same linguistic system in their minds/brains. There still are linguists, especially those edging off toward semiotics and hermeneutics, who reject the mentalist stance and assert that the only sensible way to study language is in terms of the communication between individuals (a random example is Dufva and Lähteenmäki 1996). But on the whole, the mentalistic outlook of generative grammar has continued to be hugely influential throughout linguistics and cognitive neuroscience. Combinatoriality: The earliest published work in generative grammar, Chomsky's Syntactic Structures (1957), began with the observation that a language contains an arbitrarily large number of sentences. Therefore, in addition to the finite list of words, a characterization of a language must contain a set of rules (or a grammar) that collectively describes or "generates" the sentences of the language. Syntactic Structures showed that the rules of natural language cannot be characterized in terms of a finite-state Markov process, nor in terms of a context-free phrase structure grammar. Chomsky proposed that the appropriate form for the rules of a natural language is a context-free phrase structure grammar supplemented by transformational rules. Not all subsequent traditions of generative grammar (e.g. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (Pollard and Sag 1994) and Lexical-Functional Grammar (Bresnan 1982, 2001)) have maintained the device of transformational rules; but they all contain machinery designed to overcome the shortcomings of context-free grammars pointed out in 1957. An important reason for the spectacular reception of early generative grammar was that it went beyond merely claiming that language needs rules: it offered rigorous formal techniques for characterizing the rules, based on approaches to the foundations of mathematics and computability developed earlier in the century. The technology suddenly made it possible to say lots of interesting things about language and ask lots of interesting questions. For the first time ever it was possible to provide detailed descriptions of the syntax of natural languages (not only English but German, French, Turkish, Mohawk, Hidatsa, and Japanese were studied early on). In addition, generative phonology took off rapidly, adapting elements of Prague School phonology of the 1930s to the new techniques. With Chomsky and Halle's 1968 Sound Pattern of English as its flagship, generative phonology quickly supplanted the phonological theory of the American structuralist tradition. Acquisition: Mentalism and combinatoriality together lead to the crucial question: How do children get the f-rules into their heads? Given that the f-rules are unconscious, parents and peers cannot verbalize them; and even if they could, children would not understand, since they don't know language yet. The best the environment can do for a language learner is provide examples of the language in a context. From there on it is up to the language learner to construct the principles on his or her own - unconsciously of course. Chomsky asked the prescient question: what does the child have to "(f-)know in advance" in order to accomplish this feat? He phrased the problem in terms of the "poverty of the stimulus": many different generalizations are consistent with the data presented to the child, but the child somehow comes up with the "right" one, i.e. the one that puts him or her in tune with the generalizations of the language community. I like to put the problem a bit more starkly: The whole community of linguists, working together for decades with all sorts of crosslinguistic and psycholinguistic data unavailable to children, has still been unable to come up with a complete characterization of the grammar of a single natural language. Yet every child does it by the age of ten or so. One of the goals of linguistic theory, then, is to solve this "Paradox of Language Acquisition" by discovering what aspects of linguistic f-knowledge are not learned, but rather form the basis for the child's learning. The standard term for the unlearned component is Universal Grammar or UG, a term that again perhaps carries too much unwanted baggage. In particular, UG should not be confused with universals of language: it is rather what shapes the acquisition of language. I prefer to think of it as a toolkit for constructing language, out of which the child (or better, the child's brain) f-selects tools appropriate to the job at hand. If the language in the environment happens to have a case system (like German), UG will help shape the child's acquisition of case; if it has a tone system (like Mandarin), UG will help shape the child's acquisition of tone. But if the language in the environment happens to be English, which lacks case and tone, these parts of UG will simply be silent. What then is the source of language universals? Some of them will indeed be determined by UG, for instance the overall "architecture" of the grammatical system: the parts of the mental grammar and their relations (of which much more below). Other universals, especially what are often called "statistical" or "implicational" universals, may be the result of biases imposed by UG. For instance, UG may say that if a language has a case system, the simplest such systems are thus-and-so; these will be widespread systems crosslinguistically; they will be acquired earlier by children; and systems may tend to change toward them over historical time. Other universals may be a consequence of the functional properties of any relatively efficient communication system: for instance, the most frequently used signals tend to be short. UG doesn't have to say anything about these universals at all; they will come about through the dynamics of language use in the community (a process which of course is not very well understood). If UG is not learned, how does the child acquire it? The only alternative is through the structure of the brain, which is determined through a combination of genetic inheritance and the biological processes resulting from expression of the genes, the latter in turn determined by some combination of inherent structure and environmental input. Here contemporary science is pretty much at an impasse. We know little about how genes determine brain structure and nothing about how the details of brain structure determine anything about language structure, even aspects of language as simple as speech sounds. Filling out this part of the picture is a long-term challenge for cognitive neuroscience. It is premature to reject the hypothesis of Universal Grammar, as some have (e.g. Elman et al. 1996 and Deacon 1997), arguing that we don't know how genes could code for language acquisition. After all, we don't know how genes code for birdsong or sexual behavior or sneezing either, but we don't deny that there is a genetic basis behind these.
(from Jackendoff's precis, also Chapter 1 of Jackendoff 2007 - p.33) A fourth major point of Aspects, and the one that seeped most deeply into the awareness of the wider public, was Deep Structure. Deep Structure expresses underlying syntactic regularities of sentences. For instance, a passive sentence like (1a) has a Deep Structure in which the noun phrases are in the order of the corresponding active (1b). (1) a. The bear was chased by the lion. b. The lion chased the bear. Similarly, a question such as (2a) has a Deep Structure closely resembling that of the corresponding declarative (2b). (2) a. Which martini did Harry drink? b. Harry drank that martini. In the years preceding Aspects, the question arose of how syntactic structure is connected to meaning. Following a hypothesis first proposed by Katz and Postal (1964), Aspects made the striking claim that the relevant level of syntax for determining meaning is Deep Structure. In its weakest version, this claim was only that regularities of meaning are most directly encoded in Deep Structure, and this can be seen in (1) and (2). However, the claim was sometimes taken to imply much more: that Deep Structure IS meaning, an interpretation that Chomsky did not at first discourage.3 And this was the part of generative linguistics that got everyone really excited. For if the techniques of transformational grammar lead us to meaning, we can uncover the nature of human thought. Moreover, if Deep Structure is innate - being dictated by Universal Grammar - then linguistic theory gives us unparalleled access to the essence of human nature. No wonder everyone wanted to learn linguistics. What happened next was that a group of generative linguists, notably George Lakoff, John Robert Ross, James McCawley, and Paul Postal, pushed very hard on the idea that Deep Structure should directly encode meaning. The outcome, the theory of Generative Semantics (e.g. McCawley 1968, Postal 1970, Lakoff 1971), increased the "abstractness" and complexity of Deep Structure, to the point that the example Floyd broke the glass was famously posited to have eight underlying clauses, each corresponding to some feature of the semantics. All the people who admired Aspects for what it said about meaning loved Generative Semantics, and it swept the country. But Chomsky himself reacted negatively, and with the aid of his then-current students (full disclosure: present author included), argued vigorously against Generative Semantics. When the dust of the ensuing"Linguistics Wars" cleared around 1973 (Newmeyer 1980, Harris 1993, Huck and Goldsmith 1995), Chomsky had won - but with a twist: he no longer claimed that Deep Structure was the sole level that determines meaning (Chomsky 1972). Then, having won the battle, he turned his attention, not to meaning, but to relatively technical constraints on movement transformations (e.g. Chomsky 1973, 1977). The reaction in the larger community was shock: for one thing, at the fact that the linguists had behaved so badly; but more substantively, at the sense that there had been a "bait and switch." Chomsky had promised Meaning with a capital M and then had withdrawn the offer.
1965(Aspects;SPE 1968): Standard Theory: Deep Structure --> Semantic representation 1972(Studies on Semantics in Generative Grammar): Extended ST: Deep Structure + surface structure --> Semantic representation (quantifier, scope, focus, and possibly anaphora were read off from surface structure). 1975 (Reflections on Language): Revised Extended Standard Theory Surface structure --> Semantic representation ("trace of movement", t, permitted all semantic interpretn in terms of Surface structure) 1981 (Lectures on Govt and Binding): GOVERNMENT BINDING THEORY S-structure --> PF and LF (the latter through move-alpha "covert movement") ; LF --> Semantic representation (Major shift: two new levels added; both derived from Surface structure (now called S-structure) through further sequences of derivational rules (now simplified to the general form "Move alpha"), guided by multiple constraints. One of these sequences, resulting in the Phonetic Form (PF), more or less duplicates the old phonological component. The other sequence, which received far greater attention, results in a level called Logical Form (LF). LF begins rather modestly (Chomsky 75) as a way of explicitly encoding quantifier scope and anaphoric relations in syntax, but by Chomsky (1986:68) it is called a "direct representation of ... meaning," an "'interface' between language and other cognitive systems." Thus it takes over the semantic function assigned to the more extreme interpretations of Deep Structure in the Aspects theory. The remnant of Deep structure, now called D-structure, is still the locus of syntactic formation rules and the insertion of lexical items. Crucially the derivational rules that connect S-structure to LF are without visible consequences; they perform "covert" movements that account for the mismatches between interpretation and surface form. 1993 Minimalist Program (covert movt) --> LF --> Semantic representation (Eliminates D- and S- structure altogether. Syntactic structures are built up by combining lexical items according to their intrinsic lexical constraints; the operation of combining lexical items into phrases and of combining phrases with each other is called Merge. Merge operations can be freely interspesed with derivational operations. However, at some point, the derivation splits into two directions, one ("Spell-out") yielding PF and the other LF. Despite all these changes, what is preserved is (a) that syntactic structure is the sole source of generativity in the grammar, and (b) that lexical items enter a derivation at the point where syntactic combination is taking place. [FN: Along with the syntactocentrism of the framework has come a syntactocentrism of outlook in many practitioners] 111
We now turn to what I think was an important mistake at the core of generative grammar, one that in retrospect lies behind much of the alienation of linguistic theory from the cognitive sciences. Chomsky did demonstrate that language requires a generative system that makes possible an infinite variety of sentences. However, he explicitly assumed, without argument (1965: 16, 17, 75, 198), that generativity is localized in the syntactic component of the grammar - the construction of phrases from words - and that phonology (the organization of speech sounds) and semantics (the organization of meaning) are purely "interpretive", that is, that their combinatorial properties are derived strictly from the combinatoriality of syntax. [In 1965] As for semantics, virtually nothing was known: the only things on the table were the rudimentary proposals of Katz and Fodor (1963) and some promising work by people such as Bierwisch (1967, 1969) and Weinreich (1966). So the state of the theory offered no reason to question the assumption that all combinatorial complexity arises from syntax. Subsequent shifts in mainstream generative linguistics stressed major differences in outlook. But one thing that remained unchanged was the assumption that syntax is the sole source of combinatoriality. [Shifts in Chomsky - Standard Theory to G-B to Minimalist Program] These shifts alter the components of syntax and their relation to sound and meaning. What remains constant throughout, though, is that (a) there is an initial stage of derivation in which words or morphemes are combined into syntactic structures; (b) these structures are then massaged by various syntactic operations; and (c) certain syntactic structures are shipped off to phonology/phonetics to be pronounced and other syntactic structures are shipped off to "semantic interpretation" to be understood. In short, syntax is the source of all linguistic organization. I believe that this assumption of "syntactocentrism" - which, I repeat, was never explicitly grounded - was an important mistake at the heart of the field.4