ILO, International Labour Organisation; ARTEP (publ);
Employment and Structural Change in Indian Industries: A Trade Union View-point [books?id=UQtAbcCsh-gC]
International Labour Organization (World Employment Programme), 1989, 107 pages
ISBN 9221067092, 9789221067092
topics: | india | business | history
A good history of labour in India; particularly the chapter dealing with Kanpur.
During 1951-1980, Indian economy has grown at 3.6% p.a. population growth: 2.5% largely due to lowered mortality birth rate v high - 36 / 1000 in 1981 2.1 Structural changes in economy
primary secondary tertiary agrictulture industrial services
1950-51 57.0 % 16.4 26.6 1970-71 50.1 % 19.7 30.2 1985-86 37.7 % 21.3 41.0
industrial: includes construction, electricity, gas and water supply. services: - trasport and communications - trade / hotel - banking and business svcs - public admin and defence - personal & domestic svcs overall growth : 6 to 7 % p.a., 2x the rate of mfg sector. in the 1975-85 decade, total industrial income more or less same, but luxury-oriented goods have increased at faster rate. between 1970-1985: p.cap income growing at 1.56%
Besides textiles, two other major industries - engineering units and tanneries. The town is an important trading center - the trading businesses account for an overwhelming proportion of employment. total of eleven textile mills: - British India Corporation (4) - Elgin Mills one - Elgin Mills two - Cawnpore textile - Cawnpre woollen mills (Lal Imli) - National Textile Corporation (5) - Muir mills - Victoria mills - Swadeshi cotton mills - Atherton mills - Laxmi Rathore Cotton mills - J.K. Cotton spinning mills (private) [the most important mill and the only private mill running p.39] - J.K. Manufacturing (closed in 1975) Industrial Employment
| in textile industry | under factories act | tot unskilled skilled | total
1961 | 49750 | 83.6K 1971 | 42202 10% 3.0% | 76.4K 1981 | 36979 11.5% 7.5% | 73.8K 1986 | 35484 16.5% 9.5% | 69.0K
1981 numbers : after 1975 closure of JK Mfg kanpur employment exchange 1986: job-seekers: 2.86L jobs provided: 6.6K p.45 ---authorship several organizational contributors, no names. In addition to ILO: - Asian Regional Team for Employment Promotion (ARTEP), - International Confederation for Free Trade Unions, - Indian National Trade Union Congress, - Hind Mazdoor Sabha