Gompel, Roger P. G. Van (eds); Martin H. Fischer; Wayne S. Murray; Robin L. Hill;
Eye Movements: A Window on Mind and Brain
Elsevier, 2007, 720 pages
ISBN 0080449808, 9780080449807
topics: | psychology | gaze | vision |
In 1900, Raymond Dodge presented a very early exploration of the possibility of perception within eye movements. This paper built on earlier observations made during his time with Benno Erdmann (1851–1921) in which they conducted experiments concerning vision during reading (Erdmann & Dodge, 1898). They had been using mirrors to observe subjects’ eye movements whilst reading text. When looking into the mirrors themselves Erdmann and Dodge both found it impossible to see their own rapid eye movements. Until these reports by Erdmann and Dodge, it seems that the general consensus in the field was that eye movements were themselves an integral part of the processes of visual perception. It was believed that perception continued during eye movements and that the continuous movement of gaze over an object would be sufficient for its perception. Dodge, however, recognised that this was not the case. Critically, Dodge appreciated the errors and pitfalls of self-observation when describing eye movements and perception, in the same way that Wells had distrusted Porterfield’s recourse to subjective experience over 100 years earlier. During fixations the image on the retina is kept largely stationary. When gaze is relocated, there is a brief period of blindness followed by the reception of another relatively static view of the new fixation target. Consequently the input that our eyes supply to the visual system is in the form of a series of relatively static glimpses of the world separated by brief periods of blindness. This is very different from the smooth perception that we experience. Crum Brown appreciated the significance of saccades and fixations, and described them eloquently: p.52 We fancy that we can move our eyes uniformly, that by a continuous motion like that of a telescope we can move our eyes along the sky-line in the landscape or the cornice of a room, but we are wrong in this. However determinedly we try to do so, what actually happens is, that our eyes move like the seconds hand of a watch, a jerk and a little pause, another jerk and so on; only our eyes are not so regular, the jerks are sometimes of greater, sometimes of less, angular amount, and the pauses vary in duration, although, unless we make an effort, they are always short. During the jerks we practically do not see at all, so that we have before us not a moving panorama, but a series of fixed pictures of the same fixed things, which succeed one another rapidly. (Crum Brown, 1895, pp. 4–5) Dodge and Cline developed a photographic apparatus (1901) to record eye movements... there followed something of a revolution in eye-movement research and a proliferation of new experiments in this field (see Taylor, 1937). Other researchers developed similar convenient and effective eye-trackers and research extended beyond the domain of reading. Researchers began to consider whether the newly described saccade-and-fixate strategy applied to tasks other than reading, and it was soon realised that this was the case. Dodge: 100 Hz Photochronograph George Malcolm Stratton (1865–1957) employed a photographic technique to examine eye movements when viewing patterns. This was an important new direction for eyemovement research and served to highlight the importance of saccades outside the context of reading. Like his contemporaries, Stratton was surprised by the discontinuity of eye movements: “The eye darts from point to point, interrupting its rapid motion by instants of rest. And the path by which the eye passes from one to another of these of these resting places does not seem to depend very nicely upon the exact form of the line observed” (Stratton, 1902, p. 343).Figure 1. Eye movements made by subjects while examining I. E. Repin’s painting “An Unexpected Visitor”, with different questions in mind (adapted from Yarbus, 1967). (a) The picture. (b) “Remember the clothes worn by the people.” (c) “Remember the positions of the people and objects in the room.” (d) “Estimate how long the ‘unexpected visitor’ had been away from the family.” Saccades are the thin lines; fixations are the knot-like interruptions.
In the monograph, Guy Thomas Buswell (1891–1994), reports eye-movement data recorded from 200 participants each viewing multiple pictures, such that his data comprised almost 2000 eye-movement records each containing a large number of fixations.fixations noted by Buswell for Hokusai's "The wave". Fixations are numbered in sequence.
(Yarbus, 1967) demonstrated convincingly that the kinds of eye movements people make when viewing a scene depend on what information they are trying to get from it, and not just on the eye-catching power (“intrinsic salience”) of the objects in that scene (Figure 1). He provided an account of eye movements in which central control, related to the task in hand, was seen as being more important than reflex-like responses to stimulus objects.Eye movements made by subjects while examining I. E. Repin’s painting “An Unexpected Visitor”, with different questions in mind (adapted from Yarbus, 1967). (a) The picture. (b) “Remember the clothes worn by the people.” (c) “Remember the positions of the people and objects in the room.” (d) “Estimate how long the ‘unexpected visitor’ had been away from the family.” Saccades are the thin lines; fixations are the knot-like interruptions.
* http://viewonperception.wordpress.com/page/2/ * http://sstetson.wordpress.com/2010/07/ quote from Yarbus: “Depending on the task in which a person is engaged, the distribution of points of fixation on an object will vary correspondingly” (Yarbus, 1967, p. 192) * Marianne DeAngelusa & Jeff B. Pelza, Top-down control of eye movements: Yarbus revisited Visual Cognition, v.17: p.790-811, 2009 DOI:10.1080/13506280902793843 The Yarbus data was based on only a single observer, who wore a complex apparatus and had his head immobilized. From Abstract: Although Yarbus’ work is often cited to demonstrate the task-dependence of eye movements, it is often misrepresented; Yarbus reported results for only one observer, but authors commonly refer to Yarbus’ “observers”. Additionally, his observer viewed the painting for 21 minutes with optical stalks attached to the sclera and with his head severely restricted. Although eye movements are undoubtedly influenced by high-level tasks, it is not clear how Yarbus’ results reflect his unique experimental conditions. ... We replicated Yarbus’ experiment using a head-free eyetracker with 17 naïve observers. The presentations were self-paced; viewing times were typically an order of magnitude shorter than the times Yarbus imposed. Eye movement patterns were clearly task dependent, but some of the differences were much less dramatic than those shown in Yarbus’ now-classic observations.
One of the first detailed studies of eye movements in relation to manipulative activity was by Ballard, Hayhoe, Li, and Whitehead (1992). They used a task in which a model consisting of coloured blocks had to be copied using blocks from a separate pool. Thus the task involved a repeated sequence of looking at the model, selecting a block, moving it to the copy and setting it down in the right place (Figure). p.79Figure: The block copying task of Ballard et al. (1992). A Copy (bottom left) of the Model is assembled from randomly positioned blocks in the Source area. Typical movements of hand and eye are shown, together with their timing in a typical cycle. The eyes not only direct the hands, but also perform checks on the Model to determine the colour and location of the block being copied. The most important finding was that the operation proceeds in a series of elementary acts involving eye and hand, with minimal use of memory. Thus a typical repeat unit would be as follows: Fixate (block in model area); remember (its colour); fixate (a block in source area of the same colour); pickup (fixated block); fixate (same block in model area); remember (its relative location); fixate (corresponding location in model area); move block; drop block. The eyes have two quite different functions in this sequence: to guide the hand in lifting and dropping the block, and, alternating with this, to gather the information required for copying (the avoidance of memory use is shown by the fact that separate glances are used to determine the colour and location of the model block). The only times that gaze and hand coincide are during the periods of about half a second before picking up and setting down the block (as with other tasks the eyes have usually moved on before the pickup or drop are complete). The main conclusion from this study is that the eyes look directly at the objects they are engaged with, which in a task of this complexity means that a great many eye movements are required. Given the relatively small angular size of the task arena, why do the eyes need to move so much? Could they not direct activity from a single central location? Ballard et al. (1992) found that subjects could complete the task successfully when holding their gaze on a central fixation spot, but it took three times as long as when normal eye movements were permitted. For whatever reasons, this strategy of “do it where I’m looking” is crucial for the fast and economical execution of the task. This strategy seems to apply universally. With respect to the relative timing of fixations and actions, Ballard, Hayhoe, and Pelz (1995) came up with a second maxim: the “just in time” strategy. In other words the fixation that provides the information for a particular action immediately precedes that action; in many cases the act itself may occur, or certainly be initiated, within the lifetime of a single fixation. It seems that memory is used as little as possible.