Edelman, Gerald M.;
Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: On the Matter of the Mind
BasicBooks, 1992, 280 pages
ISBN 0465052452, 9780465052455
topics: | neuro-science | brain | language
I. The brain has a huge diversity of interconnections which allow a vast repertoire of actions both mental and physical which may or may not be useful. II. When activities occur which prove successful, the corresponding connections are re-inforced (through chemical change in the synapses between successive neurons) which are more likely to repeat a similar action on a future occasion. III. These functions operate on groups of neurons which become hugely interconnected within groups and between groups including re-entrant linkages within a group and dual linkages between groups that allow them to work as units in co-operation. In the lifetime of the individual, this leads to a process akin to natural selection developing facilities appropriate for successful survival. - from David Tall
Edelman ( Nobel, 1992, for work on how the body immuno-system clones itself when facing a foreign antigen), has been writing for some decades from the brain-as-mind position (as opposed to other biologists like Eccles Evolution of the Brain (1989), for instance). Here he attempts to present a revolution in neuroscience "as significant as the Galilean revolution in physics or the Darwinian revolution in biology", but to my mind (perhaps I belong to the converted), it reads more like a long diatribe against dualism. Part 1 is a direct critique of cartesian dualism, though arguments against it appear all over the book. Part 2 looks at the evolutionary origins of the brain, and also roles certain behaviours (e.g. recognizing friends / enemies) play as adaptations beneficiary in evolution. Part 3, which contains the main meat of his proposals, outlines Edelman's views on how these connections arise in the brain. The theory that the brain structures reflect evolutionary advantages he calls "neural darwinism" (ch.9), originally proposed in 1978 and elaborated further in a book of that title in 1999. Patterns of brain connections that are evolutionarily beneficial are programmed genetically, but also epigenetically (i.e. in terms of cell-division and other processes beyond the genetic program). Yet other structures form postnatally. Particularly focuses on the role of "re-entrant" mechanisms that code for spatiotemporal similarity. Different groups of neurons may be sampling the same stimulus, and recognition involves combining them, with latency playing a role; this results in robustness. This, together with a mechanism for memory, leads to categorization and then to concepts (ch.10). "Consciousness: the remembered present" (ch.11) outlines a theory that is largely focused on distinguishing collections of personal, subjective experiences (qualia or phenomenal experience, that are deeply personal), from external experiences that can be shared. Proposes a way out by suggesting that we realize that other humans also share similar qualia, though we have no direct way of knowing it. This presents a model where we can conceptualize a self as distinct from a non-self. Possibly the discovery of mirror neurons in the 1990s provides added justification for such a structure. Language is viewed as a mechanism for "breaking the tyranny of the remembered present", through a socially-constructed self (ch.12). Constructs like the subject-predicate distinction may be present in the chimpanzee, which has concepts, and is also self-aware. Makes a case for the state of the brain prior to evolution of language, from which speech was a natural evolutionary step, during which specialized structures (Brocas and Wernickes areas, etc.) evolved to allow "more sophisticated sensorimmotor ordering that is the basis of true syntax." (p.127) The chapter on Attention and the Unconscious (ch.13) focuses on the process of forming conscious experience. "Consciousness reigns, but does not govern" (quote from Paul Valery). The chapter presents a list of what is reasonably understood about the brain (neural centers and their functions, classical neurophysiology; patterns of animal behaviour, descriptive psychology; socially transmitted behaviour - eg. social imprinting); and what is less known (longer list). The last part of the book attacks other aspects in which philosophers have gone wrong, and finally outlines some steps whereby one may eventually construct a "conscious artifact". - AM
And going on, we come to things like evil, and beauty, and hope... Which end is nearer to God, if I may use a religious metaphor, beauty and hope, or the fundamental laws? I think that the right way, of course, is to say that what we have to look at is the whole structural interconnection of the thing; and that all the sciences, and not just the sciences but all the efforts of intellectual kinds, are an endeavor to see the connections of the hierarchies, to connect beauty to history, to connect history to man's psychology, man's psychology to the working of the brain, the brain to the neural impulse, the neural impulse to the chemistry, and so forth, up and down, both ways. And today we cannot, and it is no use making believe that we can, draw carefully a line all the way from one end of this thing to the other, because we have only just begun to see that there is this relative hierarchy. And I do not think either end is nearer to God. - Feynman, The Character of Physical Law, ch. 5 [Context: F is presenting a hierarchy from the laws of physics, to the properties of substances (water has surface tension) to effects like waves, or a storm; to nerve impulses; concepts like "man", or "history" or "political expediency", and then to evil, beauty and hope]
The notion that we can think about how mental matters occur in the absence of reference to the structure, function, development, and evolution of the brain is intellectually hazardous. The likelihood of guessing how the brain works without looking at its structure seems slim. Certainly, if one agrees with the ethologists that mental states are a product of evolution, we must at least study how the brain evolved. Our obligation is to complete Darwin's program. When we make even our first halting efforts to do so, we come upon a series of intriguing and baffling findings. We see that the development of brains in enormously dynamic and statistical. Developmental analysis suggests that the way genes regulate the intricate anatomy of the brain is through epigenetic interactions- particular developmental events must occur before others can occur. Certain adhesion molecules regulate collectives of cells and their migration, but do not do so cell by cell in a prescribed or prearranged pattern. And to some extent, cell migration and cell death are stochastic- they have unpredictable consequences at the level of individual cells. These statistical processes oblige individual brains, unlike computers, to be individual. The somatic diversity necessarily generated by these means is so large that it cannot be dismissed as "noise," as one would dismiss the noise in an electronic circuit at normal operating temperatures. (The hiss from your hi-fi amplifier is an example.) Indeed, the circuits of the brain look like no others we have seen before. The neurons have treelike arbors that overlap and ramify in myriad ways. Their signaling is not like that in a computer or a telephone exchange; it is more like the vast aggregate of interactive events in a jungle. And yet despite this, brains give rise to maps and circuits that automatically adapt their boundaries to changing signals. Brains contain multiple maps interacting without any supervisors, yet bring unity and cohesiveness to perceptual scenes. And they let their possessors (pigeons, for example) categorize as similar a large if not endless set of diverse objects, such as pictures of different fish, after seeing only a few such pictures. If you consider these extraordinary brain properties in conjunction with the dilemmas created by the machine or the computer view of the mind, it is fair to say that we have a scientific crisis. The question then arises as to how to resolve it. For a possible way out, let us look to biology itself rather than to physics, mathematics, or computer science.
Part 1 Problems 1. Mind: the defect of Descartes' Discourse on Method lies in his resolution to empty himself of himself, of Descartes, of the real man, the man of flesh and bone, the man who does not want to die, in order that he might be a mere thinker--that is, an abstraction. But the real man returned and thrust himself into his philosophy... The truth is sum, ergo cogito--I am, therefore I think, although not everything that is thinks. Is not conscious thinking above all consciousness of being? Is pure thought possible, without consciousness of self, without personality? - Miguel de Unamuno, Tragic Sense of Life, trans. C.J. Flitch "Don't think of an elephant." Of course, you did, and so did I. But where is the elephant? In your mind, and certainly not in the room. p.3 2. Putting the Mind back into nature Part 2 Origins: 4. Putting psychology on a biological basis 5. Morphology and mind - completing Darwin's programme 6. Topobiology - lessons from the embryo 7. The problems reconsidered. Part 3 Proposals: 8. The sciences of recognition 9. Neural Darwinism 10. Memory and concepts - building a bridge to consciousness 11. Consciousness - the rembered present 12. Language and higher-order consciousness 13. Attention and the unconscious 14. Layers and loops - a summary. Part 4 Harmonies: 15. A graveyard of isms - philosophy and its claims 16. Memory and the individual soul - against silly reductionism 17. Higher products - thoughts, judgments, emotions 18. Diseases of the mind - the reintegrated self 19. Is it possible to construct a conscious artifact? 20. Symmetry and memory - on the ultimate origins of mind.
Owen Flannagan, Consciousness Reconsidered, chapter 3, section 3: [In reference to Daniel Dennett's Consciousness Explained, 1991), : The theory of "neural Darwinism" or "neuronal group selection" helps bring together and extend some of the insights about brain composition, structure, function, and evolution discussed so far (Edelman 1987, 1989; also see Changeux 1985). Five ideas are especially important. First, it is mathematically inconceivable that the human genome specifies the entire wiring diagram of the brain. The genome, powerful as it is, contains too few instructions by several orders of magnitiude to build a fully funcitonal brain. The synaptic connections that evolve in the brain over time are the complex causal outcome of genotypic instructions, endogenous biochemical processes, plus vast amounts of individually unique interactions between organism and environment (Edelman 1989, 30 Hundert 1989, 237). It follows that talk of the brain as hard-wired is misleading. To be sure, the overall structure of the brain is fixed by our genes and certain neuronal paths, and certain specific areas are designed to serve certain dedicated functions. But the "wires" in the brain are soft, even those built during fetal development and those serving specific functions. Furthermore, all the wires are capable of being drawn into novel and complex connections with indefinitely many other segments of the neural network. The key to our magnificent abilities as anticipation machines involves fixing gross architecture while leaving the development of connections at the microstructural level undedicated and adaptable. Second and relatedly, individual brains are extraordinarily diverse in terms of structure ond connectivity. Identity theory has some credibility in the domain of sensory experience. Certain characteristic neural patterns subserve similar cross-personal sensory experiences. But by and large most mental states probably do no involve strict identites between types of mental and neural states. Thus one and the same conscious mental state, for example, believing that a speeding fire engine is coming from behind, is almost certainly subserved by compositionally distinct neural states in all the different drivers who have that thought. Once massive connectivity is added in, it is no surprise that this thought kicks off a series of other, different thoughts for each of us. Once person worries about the victims and their property, and another that he will be delayed. A third is thrown into a Proustian reminiscence of summer nights in his childhood spent with grandfather, the fire chief, at the station. He feels the humid summer breeze on his face as he rides to a fire, and the smells of burning embers and pictures of lonely stone chimneys well up in him. Neural connectivity is the mother of "meaning holism" and the "drift of thought" the way the meaning of each term connects idiosyncratically with the meaning of many others. We are good at keeping attention focused, but certain events send thought reeling to unanticipated places, some welcome, others not. Neural connectivity helps explain why this happens so easily. The third, fourth, and fifth theses of neural Darwinism further clarify the prospect for a complex form of mind-brain identity theory and indicate some of the problems such a theory will face. The third thesis is that neuronal ensembles projecting through many levels are selected during experiences to map and thereby to represent certain saliencies. Which ensembles represent what is jointly determined by the genetically specified receptivities of different neural locaitons (so visual processing takes place in areas dedicated to vision and not to audition) and by the neuronal groups available for selection and strengthening at the time a stimulus is presented. But the jobs of all ensembles are not assigned in advance, as they are, for example, on the view that the mind contains all concepts innately. On such a view, experience merely acts to trigger what is there (Fodor 1975, 1981). On the neural-selctionist view, the brain is a vast territory with contours roughed out by nature and more than enough room for all comers. Experiences come looking for squatter's rights, for room to make a life. The brain makes room in various ways. Sometimes it simply gives over unclaimed terrain; other times it sets up time-sharing and multiple-tenancy arrangements. Selection is involved in that the world plays an important part in determining which neuronal groups are activated for what roles. It does not simply trigger neuronal groups preset to work for a particular boss, should he turn up, and give the marching orders they passively await. Nonetheless, once a neuronal group is assigned to a task, that group shows up regularly for the job. Fourth and relatedly, the neuronal network retains representations, but not in permanently coded files. It retains representations as dispositions to reactivate distributed activation patterns selected during previous experience. Once a particular distributed activation pattern has reached an equilibrial state so that it is activated by a certain type of stimulus pattern, it frames novel occurent stimulation with that activation pattern. This leads to quick and easy identification of the stimulation and, depending on its connections to other neuronal groups, to the right motor repsponse. The neuronal groups are selected to detect certain constellations of features. The groups are extremely sensitive but not overly fussy. This explains why we are so quick to identify degraded stimuli, for example, letters written in new and obscure handwriting. The right pattern of activation is turned on by any stimulus that possesses a sufficient number, or some adquately patterned configuration, of the relevant features. The stimuli need not be exactly the same as the stimuli that the neuronal group was initially trained to detect. Indeed, a system that could only recognize duplicates of previous stimuli would be of no use at all in our fluid ecological surround. Recognition and recall do not involve permanent storage, and thus lost space each time a particular pattern becomes recognizable. Rather, neuronal groups play multiple roles. My red detectors are activated whenever red is before me. But when red things are not before me, my red detectors are available for other recongitional labor- purple and orange detection, for example. Fifth, a neuronal system functioning according to principles of ontogenic (lifespan) selection, as opposed to phylogenic (species-level) selection, is fluid in several repects: (1) It can gain, retain, revise, and abandon all sorts of thoughts, ideas, desires, and intentions in the course of a life. (2) The system can lose certain neurons to death, or in a labor dispute, one function can lose neurons to some other function, without any loss in functional capacity. If the capacity to recognize a banana as edible is subserved by parallel activity in numerous recurrent layers of neuronal groups, then all manner of degradation and loss of members is compatible with continuous high performance. Neuronal destruction can, of course, reach a point where the amount of neuronal degradation is great enough to lead to functional incapacitation in certain domains, as it does, for example, in Alzheimer's patients. (3) Neuronal dedication to a task is not fixed for all time once the neuronal group subserving the recognitional or motor task in question is well honed. For example, the neuronal group responsible for pressure detection on two adjacent fingers wil "segregate into groups that at any one time are nonoverlapping and have sharp boundaries" (Edelman 1989, 52). But these dedicated groups can shift boundaries over time because of differential experience, or possibly even randomly. Imagine the boundary between the United States and Canada shifting several miles one way or the other each day along its entire expanse (Calvin 1990, 175).
Edelman, Gerald Maurice (1929- ) http://userwww.sfsu.edu/%7Ersauzier/Edelman.html [Biochemist, born in New York City. He studied at Pennsylvania and Rockefeller universities, and became professor of biochemistry at Rockefeller in 1966. His special interest was in the chemical structure and mode of action of the antibodies which form part of a vertebrate animal's defence against infection. He shared the nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1972.]