Dahl, Roald; Quentin Blake (ill.);
Danny: the champion of the world
Puffin books, 1977, 223 pages
ISBN 0140371575, 9780140371574
topics: | fiction | children
[mother dies when he was 4 mos old. so my father] washed me and fed me and changed my nappies and did all the millions of other things that a mother normally does... But my father didn't seem to mind. I think that all the love he had felt for my mother when she was alive was now lavished upon me. 11
There was an apple tree [with some boughs] hanging right over the caravan and when the wind blew the apples down at night they often landed on our roof. I would hear them going thump ... thump ... thump ... above my head as I lay in my bunk. 15 [believability via detail]
Danny can tell if someone's smile is real or fake:
[His father is an eye-smiler - only his eyes twinkle when he smiles. ] it's impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren’t feeling twinkly yourself. A mouth-smile is different. You can fake a mouth-smile any time you want, simply by moving your lips. I've also learned that a real mouth-smile always has an eye-smile to go with it, so watch out, I say, when someone smiles at you with his mouth but the eyes stay the same. It's sure to be bogus.
I'll tell you something about the old bullfrog. He often becomes so pleased with his own voice that his wife has to nudge him several times before he’ll stop his burping and turn around to hug her... we men are not so very different from the bullfrog.
"All the best ways of poaching pheasants were discovered by my old dad," my father said. "My old dad studied poaching the way a scientist studies science. ... whenever my dad thought up a new method of catching pheasants, he tried it out on a rooster first to see if it worked." Pheasants," he whispered, "are crazy about raisins. ... Method Number One," he said softly, "is known as The Horse-hair Stopper." "How does it work?" "It's very simple," he said. "First, you take a few raisins and you soak them in water overnight to make them plump and soft and juicy. Then you get a bit of good stiff horse-hair and you cut it up into half-inch lengths." "Here's what my dad discovered," he said. "... believe it or not, the pheasant never moves his feet again! He becomes absolutely rooted to the spot, and there he stands pumping his silly neck up and down just like a piston, and all you’ve got to do is nip out quickly from the place where you’re hiding and pick him up."
[one day their rich neighbour, Victor Hazell, arrived] at the pumps in his glistening gleaming Rolls-Royce and had said to me, ‘Fill her up and look sharp about it.’quentin blake's illustrations show the p.o.v. of a 8-year old... I was eight years old at the time. He didn’t get out of the car, he just handed me the key to the cap of the petrol tank and as he did so, he barked out, ‘And keep your filthy little hands to yourself, d’you understand?’ I didn’t understand at all, so I said, ‘What do you mean, sir?’ There was a leather riding-crop on the seat beside him. He picked it up and pointed it at me like a pistol. ‘If you make any dirty finger-marks on my paint-work,’ he said, ‘I'll step right out of this car and give you a good hiding.’ [daddy heard this and refused to serve him. And then a horde of government inspectors arrive at the station and harrass them. ]
1 The Filling Station 2 The Big Friendly Giant 3 Cars and Kites and Fire Balloons [soapo] 4 My Father's Deep Dark Secret [wakes up in the night to find his father gone. Turns out he loves to poach pheasants.] 5 The Secret Methods 7 The Baby Austin 8 The Pit [daddy had gone poaching in Mr. Hazell's woods. But they have dug a pit and daddy has fallen in the pit when danny comes to rescue him. Fortuitously, danny has driven up in the baby austin they were repairing. ] 9 Doc Spencer 10 The Great Shooting Party 11 The Sleeping Beauty 12 Thursday and School 13 Friday 14 In the Wood 15 The keeper 16 The Champion of the World 17 The Taxi 18 Home 19 Rockabye Baby 20 Good-bye Mr. Hazell 21 Doc Spencer's Surprise 22 My Father