book excerptise:   a book unexamined is wasted paper

Phonology and language use

Joan L. Bybee

Bybee, Joan L.;

Phonology and language use

Cambridge University Press, 2001, 238 pages

ISBN 0521583748, 9780521583749

topics: |  linguistics | functional | phonology


Arguments for a Functional view of language

To someone approaching linguistics from other disciplines, it might seem odd
that language use is not considered while formulating theories of
language. However, since language is such a complex phenomenon, it has been
necessary to narrow the field of study to make it manageable. Thus we
commonly separate phonology from syntax, synchrony from diachrony, child
language from adult language, and so on, constantly bearing in mind that
interactions exist that will eventually have to be taken into account.
... [leads to] a theory of syntax, a theory of phonology, a theory of
language acquisition – knowing all the while that the ultimate goal is to
encompass all these subfields in one theory of language.

Early in the twentieth century, a proposal was made to distinguish the shared
knowledge that a community of speakers has from the actual uses to which that
knowledge is put (de Saussure 1916). Many researchers then focused their
attention on the structure of that shared knowledge (called ‘langue’ by
Saussure and ‘competence’ by Chomsky 1965) and paid little attention to
language use in real time. The focus on competence, or the structure of
language, turned out to be extremely productive. Structuralism provided
linguists with a workshop of analytic tools for breaking down the continuous
speech stream into units, and these units into features; structuralism
postulated hierarchical relations among the units and assigned structures to
different levels of grammar, organizing language and the people who study it
into subfields – phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

[Bybee] proposes to demonstrate that the focus on structure needs to be
supplemented with [a]
view that includes two other important aspects -
the material content or substance of language, and language use.

Language use includes not just the processing of language, but all the social
and interactional uses to which language is put. For present purposes, in the
context of phonology, the frequency with which certain words, phrases, or
patterns are used will be shown to have an impact on phonological structure.

In the domain of morphosyntax, a substantial development beyond
structuralism has already taken place. The content of grammatical
categories has been studied as a substantive rather than a structural
matter, for example, in crosslinguistic studies of subject, topic, noun,
verb, tense, aspect (Comrie 1976, 1985, Dahl 1985), mood, and so on.
Also use is being studied as a prime shaper of syntactic structure
(Givón 1979, Haiman 1994, Hopper and Thompson 1984, and others)
and morphological structure (Bybee 1985, Bybee et al. 1994, DuBois
1985). So far, no comparable development has occurred in phonology...

We still do not have strict definitions of even the most basic units, such as
segment, syllable, morpheme, and word. Instead we find variation and
gradience commonplace in empirical studies, and we find phonological
phenomena intimately bound up with lexicon and morphology, syntax, discourse,
and social context.

Other developments also point to a new view of
language. Studies of natural categorization by psychologist Eleanor
Rosch and her colleagues have had an impact on the way that linguists
view categories, including word meaning (Lakoff 1987), grammatical
classes such as gender (Zubin and Köpcke 1981), verb classes (Bybee
and Moder 1983), grammatical functions such as subject and topic, and
phonetic categories (K. Johnson 1997, Miller 1994, and other ‘exemplar’
approaches to phonetic categories).

In particular, these studies show that the way human beings categorize both
nonlinguistic and linguistic entities is not by discrete assignments to
categories based on the presence or absence of features, but rather by
comparison of features shared with a central member.
Moreover, Nosofsky (1988) has shown that the perceived center of a
category can shift toward the more frequently experienced members.

Linguistic structure as emergent

A second development important to linguistic modeling is the
development of computer models that can reproduce apparent
‘rule-governed’ behavior as well as probabilistic behavior using
parallel distributed processing (Daugherty and Seidenberg 1994,
Rumelhart and McClelland 1986, and others).
In such models, labeled connectionist models, structures are not given in
advance (i.e., innate), but take their form from the nature of the input,
just as neurological matter is structured by the input it
receives. Connectionist models, then, are quite compatible with usage-based
theories of language.

Langacker (1987) and now Ohala and Ohala (1995) argue that storage of
linguistic percepts should be like the storage of other mental percepts.

Yet a third recent development applicable to a large array of sciences
is the study of complex systems and their emergent properties.
The basic idea behind emergence as it will be applicable here is that
certain simple properties of a substantive nature, when applied repeatedly,
create structure.

Lindblom et al. (1984) are, to my knowledge, the first to apply the notion
of emergent structure in linguistics. They illustrate emergence in the
following way:
    Termites construct nests that are structured in terms of pillars and
    arches and that create a sort of ‘air-conditioned’ environment. The
    form of these nests appears to arise as a result of a simple local
    behavioral pattern which is followed by each individual insect... Each
    termite appears to follow a path of increasing pheromone density and
    deposit when the density starts to decrease.  Suppose the termites
    begin to build on a fairly flat surface. In the beginning the deposits
    are randomly distributed. A fairly uniform distribution of pheromone is
    produced. Somewhat later local peaks have begun to appear serving as
    stimuli for further deposits that gradually grow into pillars and walls
    by iteration of the same basic stimulus-response process. At points
    where several such peaks come close, stimulus conditions are
    particularly likely to generate responses. Deposits made near such
    maxima of stimulation tend to form arches. As termites continue their
    local behavior in this manner, the elaborate structure of the nest
    gradually emerges. (Lindblom et al. 1984: 185–186)

Lindblom et al. point out that the importance of this notion for linguistics
is that structure can be explained without attributing a ‘mental blueprint’
to the creatures creating the structure – that substance and form are
intimately related (see also Hopper 1987, Keller 1994).

Relevance of frequency in syntax, morphology, and semanntics

... phonological fusion of morphemes reflects their
degree of semantic fusion, and in the chapters of this book, I will
explore further the relation between grammatical and lexical units and
phonological structure.

In fact, a good deal of progress in morphology and syntax has been
made in explaining specific phenomena by making just this assumption.
It has been shown that syntactic structures are the result of the
conventionalization of frequently used discourse patterns (e.g., DuBois
1985, Givón 1979), and that grammatical morphemes develop from
lexical morphemes in particular constructions through increases in the
frequency of use and through extension in use to more and more contexts
(Bybee et al. 1994, Haiman 1994). Greenberg (1966) has demonstrated
that markedness effects are directly related to frequency of use,
with unmarked members of categories being the most frequent, and
Tiersma (1982) has shown that this hypothesis also explains cases of
local markedness in morphology. Psycholinguists have long known that
high-frequency words are accessed faster than low-frequency ones, and
I have argued that high-frequency irregular morphological formations
tend to maintain their irregularities precisely because of their high
frequency (Bybee 1985, Hooper 1976b).

In all of these findings we have a dynamic aspect – language structure is
becoming or remaining because of the way language is used. Thus the emphasis
on the static, synchronic language as the object of study has given way to
the view of language as slowly, gradually, but inexorably mutating under the
dynamic forces of language use.

Basic Principles of a Usage-Based Model

1. Experience affects representation.
   [AM: chunks?]
   The use of forms and patterns both in production and perception affects
   their representation in memory. High-frequency words and phrases have
   stronger representations in the sense that they are more easily accessed
   and less likely to undergo analogical change.  The lexical strength of
   words may change as they are used more or less in different contexts.

2. Mental representations of linguistic objects have the same properties as
   mental representations of other objects.

3. Categorization is based on identity or similarity.

4. Generalizations over forms are not separate from the stored
   representation of forms but emerge directly from them.
   In Langacker’s terms, there is no ‘rule/list separation’ (see Chapter
   2). Generalizations over forms are expressed as relations among forms
   based on phonetic and/or semantic similarities.

5. Lexical organization provides generalizations and segmentation
   at various degrees of abstraction and generality. Units such as
   morpheme, segment, or syllable are emergent in the sense that
   they arise from the relations of identity and similarity that
   organize representations. 	 Since storage in this model is highly
   redundant, schemas may describe the same pattern at different
   degrees of generality (Langacker 2000).

6. Grammatical knowledge is procedural knowledge. Anderson (1993) and Boyland
   (1996) distinguish declarative or propositional knowledge (e.g.,
   ‘Washington, DC is the capital of the United States’) from procedural
   knowledge (how to drive a car, tie your shoelaces, and so on). While
   linguistic knowledge is in part declarative (in the sense that we can cite
   the meanings of words, for instance), much linguistic knowledge is
   procedural (Boyland 1996). A native speaker can form an acceptable
   sentence quite automatically, yet be unable to explain how this was done
   or to list what the properties of an acceptable sentence are.

Creative Role of Repetition

Usage-based functionalism emphasizes language as a conventionalized, cultural
object. In order to understand the nature of language, we need to understand
what it means for behavior to be conventionalized.  Haiman (1994, 1998)
discusses grammar as ritualized behavior and points to various properties of
both ritual and grammar that are the result of repetition.  Unlike
convention, which is agreed upon socially and evokes a consistent response in
other members of a society, a ritual may be individual and idiosyncratic -
but for both, their structure is shaped by repetition.

Through repetition we get lexical strength – strong, easily accessible
representations, such as a greeting when you see someone you
know or responses such as ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re welcome’; that is,
any kind of learned automatic response. It is repetition that ritualizes
these responses and makes them readily available.

Repetition also leads to reduction of form. This is true of nonlinguistic
gestures such as making the sign of the cross. It is true in nonhuman
rituals: among chimpanzees (according to Plooij 1978, cited in
Haiman 1994) the original gesture of lying down is reduced to just
leaning slightly backwards.
And it is true of language ... (how are you becomes hi),
(going to becomes gonna)...

Repetition also leads to the reduction of meaning. This reduction or
bleaching of meaning can be related to what Haiman calls habituation,
or the loss of impact due to repetition. Habituation is also a general
phenomenon, not restricted to language or to humans. It is ‘a decline
in the tendency to respond to stimuli that have become familiar due to
repeated or persistent exposure’ (Haiman 1994:7).  We recognize habituation
in the trivialization by repetition of great music (Beethoven’s
Fifth Symphony) or great art (Van Gogh’s sunflowers).  We also find it
in language in cases where the emphatic becomes the normal. For
instance, in the French negative construction ne pas; pas, literally
‘step’, was once an emphatic added to the original negative ne, but is
now obligatory and nonemphatic.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, repetition leads to emancipation.
In emancipation, instrumental actions are disassociated from
their original motivation and are free to take on a communicative function
instead. The military salute derives from the more instrumental
gesture used in the Middle Ages when knights in armor greeted one
It no longer raises the visor, but it has been imbued
instead with the function of communicating respect for the military

Frequency effects : Phonology, Morphology, Syntax

phonetic change often progresses more quickly in items with high token

[token = units, e.g. words, as opp to types, e.g. -ed past tense

This effect is particularly noticeable in grammaticizing elements or phrases
that undergo drastic reduction as they increase in frequency.  Thus
the conventionalized contractions of English are reduced due to their high
frequency: I’m, I’ll, I’ve, can’t, don’t, won’t, and so on (Krug 1998).

[but high frequency forms are also conservative against broader patterns]:

while English weep / wept, creep / crept, and leap / leapt have a
tendency to regularize to weeped, creeped, and leaped,
high-frequency verbs with the same pattern, keep / kept, sleep / slept show no
such tendency (Bybee 1985, Hooper 1976b).

Morphological irregularity is always centered on the high-frequency items
of a language.  [e.g. irregular verbs]

Thus, pronouns show more conservative behavior than noun phrases -
English pronouns, for example, maintain distinct forms for nominative
and oblique case, while nouns have lost these case distinctions.
Similarly, verbal auxiliaries, which are very frequent, often
retain conservative syntactic characteristics. The English auxiliaries, for
instance, retain the ability to invert with the subject, and they precede
rather than follow the negative, both properties once shared by all

Frequency effects oppose theoretical assumptions

The prevalence of frequency effects at various levels in language are
contrary to :

  * Structuralist and generative theories which assume that the lexicon is a
    static list, and that neither the rules nor the lexical forms of a
    language are changed at all by instances of use.

  * Optimality Theory (Hayes 1999, Prince and Smolensky 1993, 1997):
    all versions posit a strict separation of lexicon and grammar
    (Pierrehumbert, 1999)
    -> makes it impossible to describe any of the interactions of phonology
    with the lexicon that are attested in the literature


   List of Figures page 					       xiii
   List of Tables  						       xv
   Acknowledgments 						       xvii
1 Language Use as Part of Linguistic Theory 				  1
  1.1 Substance and Usage in Phonology 				  1
  1.2 Some Basic Principles of a Usage-Based Model 			  6
  1.3 The Creative Role of Repetition 				  8
  1.4 Frequency Effects 						 10
  1.5 Phonology as Procedure, Structure as Emergent 			 14
  1.6 Organization of the Book 					 16
  1.7 Language as a Part of Human Behavior 				 17

2 A Usage-Based Model for Phonology and Morphology 			 19
  2.1 Introduction 							 19
  2.2 The Rule/List Fallacy 						 20
  2.3 Organized Storage 						 21
  2.4 Morphological Structure Is Emergent 				 23
  2.5 Rules and Schemas Compared 					 26
  2.6 Frequency Effects 						 28
  2.7 Units of Storage 						 29
  2.8 Phonological Units 						 31
  2.9 From Local to General Schemas 					 31
  2.10 Conclusion 							 33

3 The Nature of Lexical Representation 				 35
  3.1 Introduction 							 35
  3.2 The Phonemic Principle 						 35
  3.3 A Cognitively Realistic Model of Phonological Representation 	 37
  3.4 Linguistic Evidence for Detailed and Redundant Storage 		 40
  3.5 Usage-Based Categorization versus Phonemic Representation 	 49
  3.6 Phonetic Detail in the Lexicon – Variation and the Early
	 Involvement of the Lexicon and Morphology in Change 		 54
  3.7 A Model for Sound Change 					 57
  3.8 Special Reduction of High-Frequency Words and Phrases 		 60
  3.9 Conclusion 							 62

4 Phonological Processes, Phonological Patterns 			 63
  4.1 Introduction 							 63
  4.2 Phonetic Etiology and Its Limits 				 65
  4.3 Articulatory Gestures 						 69
  4.4 Patterns of Change and Constraints on Processes 		 77
  4.5 Segments as Emergent Units 					 85
  4.6 Generalization over Syllable-Initial and Syllable-
	Final Position 							 86
  4.7 Phonotactics 							 88
  4.8 Conclusion 							 95

5 The Interaction of Phonology with Morphology 			 96
  5.1 Introduction 							 96
  5.2 Morphological versus Phonological Conditioning 			 97
  5.3 Lexical Storage of Complex Forms, Both Regular and Irregular 	109
  5.4 Lexical Strength 						113
  5.5 Paradigmatic Relations Expressed as Lexical Connections 	117
  5.6 Lexical Classes: Productivity Due to Type Frequency 		118
  5.7 The Interaction of Lexical Strength and Lexical Connection 	124
  5.8 Product-Oriented Schemas 					126
  5.9 Phonological Similarity in Gangs 				130
  5.10 Conclusion 							135

6 The Units of Storage and Access: Morphemes, Words, and Phrases 	137
  6.1 Introduction 							137
  6.2 Phonological Representations of Words 				138
  6.3 Morphemes within Words 						144
  6.4 Phrases and Constructions with Alternations 			157
  6.5 Conclusion 							166

7 Constructions as Processing Units: The Rise and Fall
  of French Liaison 							167
  7.1 Introduction 							167
  7.2 Final Consonant Deletion in French 				168
  7.3 Grammatical Constructions and Liaison 				171
  7.4 Loss of Liaison as Regularization 				177
  7.5 Syntactic Cohesion as Frequency of Co-occurrence 		185
  7.6 Taking the Phonology Seriously 					185
  7.7 Conclusion 							187

8 Universals, Synchrony and Diachrony 				189
  8.1 Universals and Explanation 					189
  8.2 Searching for Universals 					191
  8.3 Phoneme Inventories 						197
  8.4 Two Main Mechanisms for Phonological Change 			199
  8.5 Syllable Structure 						204
  8.6 More Evidence against Universals as Purely Synchronic 		211
  8.7 Diachronic Sources for Formal Universals: The
	Phonemic Principle and Structure Preservation 			212

References 								217
Author Index 								231
Subject Index 							235
Languages Index 							238

--from blurb
Rather than assuming phonological representations in terms of phonemes, Joan
Bybee adopts an exemplar model, in which specific tokens of use are stored
and categorized phonetically with reference to variables in the context. This
model allows an account of phonetically gradual sound change which produces
lexical variation, and provides an explanatory account of the fact that many
reductive sound changes affect high frequency items first. The well-known
effects of type and token frequency on morphologically-conditioned
phonological alterations are shown also to apply to larger sequences, such as
fixed phrases and constructions, solving some of the problems formulated
previously as dealing with the phonology-syntax interface.

amitabha mukerjee (mukerjee [at-symbol] gmail) 2011 Nov 14