biblio-excerptise:   a book unexamined is not worth having

The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers

Margo Anand

Anand, Margo (Mitsou E. Naslednikov) [Margot]; Leandra Hussey (ill.);

The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers

J.P. Tarcher, 1989, 450 pages

ISBN 087477540X, 9780874775402

topics: |  sex | erotica | how-to | tantra | india

Margot Anand was for many years a disciple of Rajneesh, the author propounds a modified version
of Tantric sexual rites.  In the model presented, Relaxation is an essential
ingredient for the experience of ecstasy. [Margo
learns this after participating in a sensory deprivation experiment where she
is wearing earplugs and blindfolds in a darkened room  for seven days.]

Three-step process:

A. Mobilize your energy [the Streaming reflex]

B. Contain the energy, relax into it, expand it [Ecstatic response] - staying
   relaxed while in a state of arousal - sounds like opposites.  Clinical
   studies show that during extended orgasm, the pulse, breathing rate, blood
   pressure all drop, though orgasmic contractions are continuing.  In this
   steate the orgasmic sensations are more like an altered state of

C. Ride the wave of energy by channeling it from the genitals up through the
   body to the head.  Can be maintained from 30 seconds to several minutes,
   and in advanced stages, for up to an hour or more. - 28-31


1. High Sex and the Tantra Vision
2. Awakening your Inner Lover
3. Opening to Trust
4. Skills for Enhancing Intimacy
5. Honoring the Body Ecstatic: exercises alone and together
6. Opening the Inner Flute
7. Self Pleasuring Rituals
8. Harmonising your Inner Man And Woman
9. Awakening the Ecstatic Response
10. Expanding Orgasm
11. Riding on the Wave of Bliss

Author bio

Margot Anand[w] (born 27 July 1944, Paris, France as Mitsou Naslednikov) is a
French author, teacher, seminar leader and public speaker. She has written
numerous books including The Art of Sexual Ecstasy; The Art of Everyday
Ecstasy; and The Art of Sexual Magic.

Margot studied psychology at Sorbonne, and was unhappy with the objective
and statistical processes as opposed to internal processes.  She then
joined an New Age experiment on sensory deprivation:

  Each of us stayed alone in a hotel room by the sea. Our eyes were
  blindfolded, our ears plugged, and we had one bottle of water a day and a
  pound of grapes.

She spent some years as a journalist covering the American pop culture
scene for French magazines.  She then retreated from public life for an
extended period to study Tantra and related disciplines. She has introduced
Tantra to a broad public in Europe and America, and is the originator of
the "SkyDancing Tantra Institutes" in England, France, Switzerland,
Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Canada and the United States.

See her interview Sex as a divine experience

amitabha mukerjee (mukerjee [at] 17 Feb 2009