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Muslim woman's dress: Hijab or Naqab ??

Sheikh S. M. al-Darsh

al-Darsh, Sheikh S. M.;

Muslim woman's dress: Hijab or Naqab ??

Dar al Dawa Bookshop, London, 1995, 46 pages [12may daryaganj r10]

topics: |  islam | gender

Highlights the many differences in opinion re: whether the muslim woman who
needs to cover her body, should also cover her face - whether the face is
'Awrah or not.   Cites the Koran, Hadith, Fiqh and other authorities.

It is clear that the Muslim woman must cover her body.
	  [overwhelming  majority of Muslim scholars and Ibn Abbas's
	  Tafsir of al-Nur 24:31]

The overwhelming majority, however, are of the view that it is not an
obligation or a strong recommendation to cover her face. p. 38
[used to apply to the women of the Prophet's household.]

Q. Women must not go out of the house alone...

This has no basis in Islam.  A decent woman does not need a Mahram or
husband to be her bodyguard as long as she is going around the city or town
in which she lives.  The requirement for the accomaniment of a Mahram
applies to travel outside her town, on a desolate road for a long distance,
where there is possibility of molestation.  p.39

amitabha mukerjee (mukerjee [at-symbol] gmail) 2013 May 21