Ganga Villages tour, TuTA ghAT : Apr 18, 2010
saumyen and i set off at 05:50, with the goal of exploring some of the villages on the ganga upstream from bithoor. with the advent of summer though, bicycling comes under a tight time bind. the heat becomes fierce after 9AM, and this route would be more than 50km, so our goal was to keep riding steadily. from bithoor chungi, we took the fattepur road (fattepur is on the chaubepur-bandimAtA road). turning right at rAmpur, we reached a broken bridge. carrying our bikes across, we were in paTkApur, where you could see the gangA in the distance. the village is on a mud cliff; in the rainy season, the river fills up and flows by the banks, but in this season you have to go down and trek through the sand to reach the water. so we continued on to chintApurwa, the next village on the ganga. here we were told that we could be access the river at TuTA ghAT, a bit further up. avoiding some barking dogs that sounded fiercer than their actions, we pedalled on over more country roads and reached TuTA ghAT. here, there was a metalled road. at the ghat, you could see the eponymous ruins (TuTA=broken). an impressive flight of stairs had been sheared off over the centuries by the river, and was lying angled across the sandy bank.

one of the towers that used to stand guard over TuTA ghAT, eroded by wind and water. a boat waits to unload its harvest on the broken stairs.

some egrets were lined up on the sand banks near the other shore.

boat with vegetables being towed in. they were coming from a village many kms away, and had started very early. the kaddus (huge squashes, bigger than a basketball) and lauki (club gourd) would now go to the manDi in chaubepur.

downstream view from balhipur mud cliffs; you can see tuta ghat at the bend.

slow boats working upstream. boatmen need to know the river and its sandbanks well.

Saumyen on the canal path.

The heat was building up and village kids were cooling off in the canal, along with the buffaloes.
List of villages upstream from Bithoor
- Patkapur: about 6km from bithoor. Patkapur may also have been part of a grant of 3 villages to Rai Brij Narayan Gurtu, a Kashmiri Pandit who remained loyal to the Britishers in the mutiny.
- Chintapurwa: The nearby Tuta ghat has a road going to Kishunpur.
- Balhipur
- Azgar Purwa Small village on the way to the Bithoor-Fattepur road
- Garhewa
- Bandimata: see bandimata page.
amit mukerjee Apr 30 2010