Bicycle Birding: Raigopalpur Mandhana Kursauli 4 May 2010
this early may morning, atul and i ventured out from mandhana to raigopalpur and
back along the canal via kursauli.
though it was nearly summer, it was a great day for birds.
the innocent looks of the pond heron is deceptive
a pond heron intent on catching breakfast

we ran into some woolly-necked storks, along with sarus crane, red-wattled
lapwing and a cattle egret.
the woolly-necked stork looks around with its big black eye, checking out the
a bronze-winged jacana says hello to the lapwing
looks like an immature jacana?
an amaltas in gorgeous display
white-breasted kingfisher
two male peacocks, displaying for a troop of peahens
yours sincerely on his dauntless steed... photo by atul tripathi
amitabha mukerjee Sep 30 2010 mukerjee [at] gmail