day 4: mukteswar-ramgarh-bhowali-bhimtal-kathgodam (apr 25)
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starting the run from mukteshwar to bhateliya. joydeep dutta, binoy and amit.

schoolkids headed for school near bhateliya.

puncture-fix with feviqwik. at a bhowali garage, our driver manoj fixes joydeep's broken valve with feviqwik. we were deeply sceptic, but it held!

joydeep and amit, after bhimtal. women w-leaf-bundles fodder.

binay going down to kathgodam. i ran into two punctures on the downhill stretches (most probably the braking heat).
kathgodam : end of trip

the salaam-ing langur of kathgodam: we met this langur at the end of our l-o-o-ong downhill from mukteswar to bhowali to bhimtal to kathgodam. he was sitting by the roadside near ranibagh (just outside kathgodam). from time to time he would salute us with one hand or the other...

on the platform at kathgodam (after lunch at the railway canteen) ; end-of-trip amit loading bikes onto car ;

map for day 4 ride: mukteshwar - bhimtal - kathgodam (in green) * [ day 1: bhimtal-naukuchiyatal-bhowali ]
* [ day 2: bhimtal-nainital-sat-tal-bhimtal ]
* [ day 3: bhimtal-mukteswar ]
* [ tour homepage ]
amitabha mukerjee for the bumpy trail bicyclists. sep 2011. feedback: mukerjee [at] gmail