ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, Asia Region - Kanpur Site - 2012
ACM ICPC is the largest computer programming contest in the world. Also known as "Olympics of Computer Programming", it is an activity that provides college students with an opportunity to demonstrate and sharpen their problem-solving and computing skills. The ACM ICPC Asia Regional Contests invite Asian students to meet, establish friendships and promote fair competition in programming.

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, Asia Region - Kanpur Site
- Registration Starts: August 27, 2012
- Registration Ends: October 24, 2012
- Online Contest: November 3, 2012
- Kanpur Site Contest: December 12-13, 2012

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, Asia Region - Kanpur Site
Best Viewed in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome-version 21.0.1180.83 or Internet Explorer-versions 8 and above.
Contact Information
Prof. Phalguni Gupta, |
Phone: +91-512-259-7647 Fax: +91-512-2590725 Email: acm AT [cse.iitk.ac.in] |
*For comments/suggestions related to the contest web site, contact:
Sandesh Gupta |
Phone: +91-512-259-6638 Fax: +91-512-2590725 Email: acm AT [cse.iitk.ac.in] |